Their Friends Meet The Baby: Pharm and Dean

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The last twenty four hours have been the most scariest and most amazing hours of Dean's life. The love of his life had his baby in the back seat of his car and he almost missed it. He was not excepting to get a call from Pharm saying Pharm was in labor nor was he expecting Pharm to actually give birth to their son naturally. He was out of his mind worried when he heard the news and prayed that Pharm and Caspian would be okay. He was really lucky he made it just in time.

Now that everything had calmed down and their families left to give them some alone time, Dean and Pharm were finally all alone with their son for most of the night minus the times the nurse came in to check on them and try to convince them to let her take Caspian  to the nursery so that they could get some sleep but they would say that they wanted to get used to doing things alone. The only time they did that was when Pharm's heart beat dropped and he had to have an oxygen mask and they didn't want to disturb Caspian's sleep. Pharm is fine now but it was a little scary.

Dean smiled as he stood over his son's hospital bed watching him sleep. He really couldn't take his eyes off him and didn't want to be away from him. The same for Pharm which is one of the reasons they didn't want to put him in the nursery. They were down right obsessed with their son and who could blame them. Caspian was the cutest baby alive and no one could tell them different.

"Pull his bed closer to me so we can both see him." Pharm said. Dean moved the baby bed over towards Pharm's hospital bed before sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"He's so cute when he sleep, who am I kidding he's so cute no matter what." Pharm said.

"I totally agree" Dean said.

"I just want to tell our friends to stay away so we can have him all to ourselves." Pharm said surprising Dean.

"Usually I'm the one who wants everyone to go away so I can be alone with you."

"I see the humor in it but I don't care." Pharm said stroking Caspian's cheek with one of his fingers. Dean's phone vibrated making him pull out his phone from his pocket. He got a text message from Win asking him their room number.

"Win is here and you know if Win is here then so are the rest." Dean said as Caspian began to wake up. Pharm lifted him out of his bed and winced a little at the slight pain in his ass. He pulled Caspian closer to him as Dean texted Win their room number.

"I guess we hav to let the wolves descend." Dean said making Pharm chuckle. A few minutes later, a knock on the door alerted them that their friends had arrived.

"Come in" Pharm said. The door opened and in walked Win, Team, Manow and Pruk.

"How are you feeling Pharm?" Team asked.

"Like I just had a baby yesterday but I'm also incredibly happy." Everyone chuckle before gathering around the bed basically pushing Dean aside to get a good look at Caspian.

"I would like you all to meet Caspian Lake Triwinij Ariyasakul Chatpokin." Pharm said.

"You do realize that Caspian probably has the longest name in Thailand right?" Win said.

"Yes we realize that but we don't care, we wanted to honor Intouch and Korn and our families." Dean said.

"I think it's a great way to honor them." Pruk said.

"Can we hold him now?" Team asked.

"Me first though" Manow said.

"That's not fair, Win and I are the godparents so we should get to hold him first." Team said. They went back in forth until Caspian started to cry cause of the commotion which pissed Pharm off.

"Enough, you both are being ridiculous,  you two will be the last to hold him if you continue like this." Pharm said while trying to calm Caspian down.

"Sorry" They said. Win chuckled before heading to the bathroom, he came back to them.

"May I?" He asked. Pharm nodded and Win reached over and carefully took him from Pharm.

"Hello little man, I'm Win and you and I are going to be best buds." Caspian looked at him and slowly calmed down.

"You look pretty cute with a baby in your arms." Team said.

"Don't get any ideas, we talked about this, we are not ready for kids." Win said.

"You talked and I agreed to nothing." Team said before heading to the bathroom. Win shook his head and looked down at Caspian.

"Your godfather is crazy, we have only been married two years and he is already talking about children."

"I think it's cute he wants to have kids with you." Pharm said. "Are you guys going to go through the process of finding out if Team has Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome?"

"Not right now we aren't." Win said.

"Too late, I already found out that I have it." Team said coming out of the bathroom.

"You what!!" Win said as Team took Caspian from him.

"I wanted to know so I set up an appointment with my doctor about a week ago, I was going to tell you yesterday but all this stuff happened." Team said.

"We are not having this discussion in front of our friends." Win said before taking Caspian and handing him to Manow who just came from the bathroom. He grabbed Team's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Well that was interesting" Manow said before looking down at Caspian. "You have two crazy godfathers but don't worry Aunt Manow will always be here for you."

"So will your Uncle Pruk" Pruk said coming up behind Manow to look at him.

"He really is so cute you guys, congratulations." Manow said.

"Thanks, we haven't let him out of our sight since he was born." Dean said.

"If he was mine I would do the same thing." Manow said. Pharm and Dean smiled as they watched Manow pass Pruk their son. They hoped Win and Team could work out their issues but for now they were happy with the moment before them.

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