I'm Pregnant: Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu

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Yu Xi Gu felt numb as he stepped into his apartment, he was a twenty two year old man who was two weeks pregnant and due on the seventh of July. This was crazy. This was insane. He shouldn't be able to grow a baby in his belly, but he was and he needed to come to terms with it or it would destroy him.

He took his shoes off and set his keys and wallet on the small table by the door before making his way through the dark apartment till he reached the couch. The same couch that he conceived the baby on and had cleaned the next day. He had two options in front of him, one, he could give the baby up for adoption and give it a good chance to succeed or two, he could keep it and teach it to love the stars and animals like it's parents, teach it to be an open minded, loving, caring, kind, determined, ambitious and passionate human being.

He sighed as his head fell back on the back of the couch, did he even want a child? He hadn't really thought about it, too busy with college and trying to make his parents proud. He was lucky that he only had a month till graduation so school wasn't going to be an issue, but getting a job that has people looking at him all day would be tough. What if he didn't take the teaching route and decided to be a stay-at-home dad? He shook his head not wanting his career life to be over just cause he was thinking about having this baby. So he would work and maybe Hao Ting could be...no, Hao Ting loved his job at the zoo and he couldn't ask him to be a stay-at-home dad just so he could have a career.

So they would need a babysitter, not a young hot woman or man but one with experience and one that was older which is just good common sense. So he got that figured out, but the problem is does he want the baby, if he doesn't then all this planning means nothing. So he did what any reasonable person would do and listed the pros and cons of having a child. He started with the cons, there was the no sleeping in anymore, there was no more random sex anywhere in the apartment, there was the fact that they would need to get a bigger place since their place was a one bedroom apartment, there was also the fact that babies cost a lot of money, they are time consuming, the terrible twos, stinky diapers, throw up and when the baby grows up and has attitude with them and runs away to be a stripper or join the circus.

Yu Xi Gu took a deep before his mind blew up with too many cons. He switched to pros of having a baby, there was getting to hold him or her when it is first born, getting to see his or her first smile, laugh, talk and first steps, getting to teach him or her about the stars or having Hao Ting teach him or her about a wild animal and watch his or her face light up in wonder, first day of school jitters and telling him or her that it will be okay, first dates, watching him or her get married or having their first grandchild. Dang it, all of that stuff sounded amazing to him which is why he decided to do what he knew was the right thing to do, cause he didn't want to miss a dang thing. He may regret it later but for some reason he felt like he wouldn't regret it. He was going to be a stay-at-home dad.

Hao Ting walked into his apartment after a long day of tests. Life after high school had been hard since he hadn't a clue what he wanted to study, until he went to the zoo with his sister and boyfriend and watched the way the zookeeper's handle the animals and cared for them and he knew in that moment that that was what he wanted to do. He had a month until graduation then he could start his new job he had been offered. He was definitely looking forward too it, he was also looking forward to hearing what the doctor had to say about what was going with his boyfriend.

"Hey babe, how was the doctor's appointment?" He asked after taking his shoes off and setting his keys and wallet next to Yu Xi Gu's.

"Educational" Yu Xi Gu said from the couch. He set his backpack on the hook before heading to the couch.

"How so?" He asked sitting on the edge of the coffee table so he was sitting in front of him.

"I learned what is Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome is." He said. Hao Ting didn't like the sound of that.

"What is it?"

"It basically gives me the opportunity to know what it's like to be pregnant." He said making Hao Ting confused.

"What are you trying to say?" He asked.

"I'm trying to tell you that in nine months you are going to be a father." Yu Xi Gu said with a straight face before giving him a piece of paper. It basically confirmed what Yu Xi Gu  told him. He was stunned. His boyfriend was pregnant with his baby.

"I have sat here and thought about it and decided that I'm going to graduate next month and then I am going to become a stay-at-home dad because I don't want to miss a single moment of our baby's life." He said. It was like he was in a boxing ring with his boyfriend and he was just getting hit blow after blow. His boyfriend was always determined to graduate and get a good job so he wouldn't be a burden to his aunt and now he was giving it up to raise their baby. He guessed that he wasn't actually giving up everything he worked for up, he was graduating next month and he got a really good job...being a parent.

"Please say something cause you are freaking me out." He said. Hao Ting looked at him and smiled.

"I hope our baby is just like you." He said. "Are you sure you want to be a stay-at-home dad, I mean I could-"

"No, I want to do this and I know how much you want to be a zookeeper so I could never ask you to do that." He said. Hao Ting smiled before leaning in and kissing him.

"I'm so happy right now" He said against Yu Xi Gu 's lips.

"Me too"

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