Picking A Name: Intouch and Korn

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Korn picked another baby name book off the floor, he swore In had thirty of them lying around the house. Intouch was going crazy trying to find a name for their daughter. He wanted something that had to do with water since they love the water and it has good memories for them. He wanted something that was cute and fit with both their last names. They did decide to keep their last names not only to shove it in their fathers faces but because they wanted her to have it so that the next generation would be a better generation than the last.

It took some convincing with Korn since he wanted to change their last names when they get married but Intouch as always talked him into it. Though Intouch does talk him into a lot of stuff the one thing he couldn't talk him into was going to his father's trial. He told Intouch that if he had to go to that trial he would be in jail since he would attack his father the minute he saw him. His father along with Intouch's father got fifteen years for the attempted murder of their daughter, ten years for kidnapping and fifteen years for human trafficking. Those assholes were never getting out of prison.

Saint recovered from the shot and his shooter which was the guy that took Intouch is now serving a fifteen year sentence for attempted murder and kidnapping. After everything that happened Saint, Korn and Intouch had a long conversation about whether or not to sell the house and move elsewhere. Saint couldn't stand the thought of living there anymore and neither could Korn and Intouch. Now that Intouch and Korn were U.S citizen and Korn had saved up enough money to get them a nice house they came to the decision to sell the house.

Saint was moving into a two story house with lots of room for Krit who after seeing his boyfriend lying in his own blood decided that he couldn't take another day away from him and they decided to get a marriage visa. They had talked about just getting a regular visa but Krit told Saint that he was it for him and proposed marrige while Saint was still in the hospital recovering. Saint of course said yes and couldn't help himself when he commented that it was a weird way to propose to someone.

Korn and Intouch had moved into a two story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms just down the street from Saint and Krit. They wanted to be close to family since they hardly knew anybody except for Alex. Intouch was thrilled that he actually gets to decorate his own home even though Saint let him decorate the guest house however he like. Intouch said there was something really magical about being able to decorate his own home.

They weren't doing much decorating right now since Intouch was so into finding their daughters name and he was busy with work while secretly looking at names himself. He has a few names he really liked like Annabelle, Journey, Susie, Claire and Lucy. Intouch liked Aphrodite, Morgan, Rain and Bay. Korn and Intouch liked the others choice but they didn't feel like it was the right fit.

"Babe, I thought we agreed to stop buying baby name books." Korn said as he found a new baby name book on the couch.

"I didn't buy that one Saint did and gave it to me as a gift." Intouch said as he waddled his way into the living room from the kitchen.

"Tell him no more or we will be over run with them." Korn said.

"Okay, have you thought about the name I told you about last night?" He asked.

"Yes and I am saying no"

"Oh come on, Aqua is a cute name."

"We are not naming her after a group that sang that annoying song Barbie Girl." He said.

"Fine, I don't see you putting up any more suggestions."

"Cause every time I do you shoot them down." He said. Intouch pouted before he lowered himself onto the couch.

"I promise to be more open minded to your suggestions." He said before patting the spot next to him. Korn sat down next to him turning a little so he was facing him.

"I have been researching water themed names and found a few that were good ones."

"Okay, let's hear them"

"Well there is Misty"

"Not bad but let's hear the others"

"Ginevra is another one, it is the name of a city and lake in Switzerland."

"You want to name our daughter after a Harry Potter character?"

"It's better than Aqua" he said making Intouch hit his arm.

"What is the next name?" Intouch asked.

"Noelani, it means mist of heaven"

"It's pretty"

"Next is Oceana"

"Oh I like it, any more"

"Yeah just one, Marlow"

"Marlow?" Intouch said thinking it over. He really liked the name and it fit well with both of their last names.

"Marlow Chatpokin Ariyasakul....I think it's perfect."

"Marlow it is" Korn smiled before leaning in and kissing him

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