Heartbeats: Korn and Knock

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Things for Knock and Korn have slowly been getting better and better. Knock and Korn talked to Knock's obstetrician and told them what was going on and she told them a few ways to bond with the baby and that it was normal for a pregnant person to have these feelings but as their baby grows and becomes more active then those feelings go away. So Knock tried some of the things she suggested and the one that worked the best was talking to it. The baby couldn't hear him yet but it helped him feel closer to it.

"Your dad thinks he's clever hiding the fruit snacks behind the nasty chocolate covered nuts knowing I don't like them but you see little one I am smart than your dad." Knock said grabbing the fruit snack's box from behind the large package of chocolate covered mixed nuts. Korn doesn't like him eating fruit snack so he hides them from him every time Knock buys them. It was his craving this week and he wouldn't be denied.

They had decided that Knock would be Papa and Korn would be Dad. They also have been talking about names but after a big argument they decided to wait till they got closer to their due date which is June 23. Things with their friends were going well after getting over the big shock they were all super excited and kept asking who was going to be the godparents. They decided that Cho and Yihwa would be the godparents but if something happened to them it would be Bright and Farm and if something happen to them it would be Fai and Sky (who just got engaged after two years)

"What do you think you are doing?" A voice from the doorway to the kitchen said making Knock freeze. He slowly turned with a open package of fruit snacks in his hand while the box was on the counter. Korn stood there hands on his hips shaking his head at him.

"I'm eating fruit snacks." He said popping one into his mouth.

"You know they aren't good for you or the baby but you still buy them."

"Who says they aren't good for you?" Knock said defensively. "You read one article online about them and you rip the one thing I'm craving out of my hands before I can even open it, you are a killer of pregnancy cravings and I for one will not stand for it so just turn around and walk away." Korn looked at him not knowing whether to laugh or be angry. He choice the third option which was to ignore him.

"Put them down right now." Korn said.

"You do not want to get in the way of a pregnant man and his craving now back out of the kitchen or else." Knock warned. Korn smirked and took a step closer to him.

"Or else what?" He said taking another step.

"Or else I will kick your ass." Knock said moving backwards around the kitchen island. Korn reached up and started undoing his shirt buttons.

"Oh really?"

"W-What doing you think you are doing?" Knock said. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Why don't you unbutton your shirt and I will tell you?" He said.

"Oh no big boy, I am going to eat my fruit snacks and then I am going to take a nap, it's Friday and I never get Fridays off so I just want to relax." Knock said moving so that the kitchen island was between them.

"I can make you relax and all you have to do is get undressed and bend over the island." Korn said grabbing the box of fruits snacks. "I will even let you continue eating fruit snacks."

"I will eat them no matter what even if you wanted me too or not." Knock said backing up towards the doorway leading to the living room. Korn undid his cuffs before taking his shirt off making Knock rethink his original plan.

"You know you want to so just bend over the island and I can fuck you." Korn said. If they were going to do this then Knock was going to make him work for it, he turned around and ran for it. He heard footsteps following him as he made it to the stairs and quickly ran up them. He went down the hall to their room and as he turned to close the door he saw Korn turn the corner. He quickly closed and locked the door before quickly unbuttoning his shirt and the cuffs. The door handle jiggled before he heard Korn sigh.

"You are making this worse on yourself." He said. Knock smiled before unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down along with his briefs.

"I have to make you work for it don't I?" He went over to the door and unlocked it before quickly backing up to the bed as the door opened and Korn entered butt ass naked.

"Fuck" he moaned when he saw him. Knock beckoned him with his finger while biting his bottom lip. Korn stalked towards him then pulled him closer before kissing him. Knock moaned as Korn picked him up went over to the bedside table and grabbed the lube before he turned and sat down on the bed.

"This is probably going to be a quick one since I'm already worked up and if we do this as many times as we usually do then we will be late for the appointment." Knock said.

"Fine by me" he said as he stroke himself with his hand that he had put  lube on before lowering Knock on to his dick. Knock moaned at the feeling of being stretched before he gasped when Korn snapped his hips up thrusting his dick deeper inside him. They both cried out as Korn pounded into him.

A little later freshly showered and dressed they got into Korn's car and drove to Dr. Addison office for their check up. They were both excited since they were told this was the check up they get to hear the baby's heartbeat. Knock thinks this would also be a great way for him to bond with the baby. They got there and checked in before they waited their turn.

"Knock?" A male nurse said. Knock and Korn stood and followed him into the back and to an exam room. They were then told that Dr. Addison would be right there with them in a few minutes before the male nurse left.

"I can't wait to hear you heart beat little one." Knock said rubbing his belly.

"Me either" Korn said before leaning down and kissing his stomach before straightening up. The door opened and Dr. Addison walked in and greeted them.

"How are we doing with the bonding time?" She asked Knock.

"Talking to it works the best but I do like rubbing my belly with stretch mark prevention lotion, that's a really good bonding moment for us." Knock said.

"I'm so glad to here it" she said. "Now let's get started with your check up and hear that heartbeat." Knock laid back and lifted his shirt before she put the gel on his stomach.

"Are you hoping for a girl or a boy?" She asked as she took the ultrasound wand and rubbed it in the gel.

"We are undecided, one day I want a girl and he wants a boy then the next day it's the other way around." Korn said making her chuckle. They watched the screen as they got a good look at their baby. Korn felt this strong wave of protectiveness and love hit him and he knew then he would never have problems with bonding with their baby ever again especially when Dr. Addison hit a button and their baby's heartbeat filled the room.

"Hello little one, Papa and Daddy love you so much" he said as tears filled his eyes.

MORE COMMENTS PLEASE!!! I work really hard on this and stay up half the day and half the night trying to write and edit this book for you guys and it would mean a lot to me if I could get more comments. Maybe I will start asking you guys questions

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