Parents Find Out: Jack and Zhao Zi

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Jack inwardly sighed as Christopher Yang waved at his fans from the door before Jack lead him to his car while he and another security guard held every back. Jack closed the car door once Christopher was in before heading around the car to get into the passenger's seat. The other security guard in the backseat with Christopher before the driver drove.

"Hey Jack" Christopher said making Jack look over his shoulder. Christopher was a bit taller than Zhao Zi with his blonde hair and golden brown eyes.

"Do you want to hang out later?" He asked.

"I can't, my husband and I are going to visit his parents and grandmother's graves." He said. Christopher didn't have a problem with Jack being gay not that Jack gave a damn what he thought about him. Christopher was also gay and intrested in him even though he knew Jack was married.

"Why do you have to go with him?" He asked. "Can't he go by himself"

"He can, it's a private matter and not one that we are going to discuss hense the words private matter." Jack said as they finally reach Christopher's house. Everyone one but the drive got out before the driver took off.

"How about tomorrow?" Christopher asked.

"Mr. Yang, I am married and I love my husband more than anything and I will not cheat on him so if you will please stop asking me to do so." Jack said before wishing him a good night and heading to his car. He was getting really tired of dealing with Christopher Yang and was thing about find someone else to protect. Maybe he could ask Tang Yi if he needed a bodyguard since he had many enemies after making his business legit. It would be better then having some twink try to get him to cheat.

He drove thinking about his amazing husband who is now seventeen weeks pregnant. His belly was growing bigger every day and it was so cute. Things with Zhao Zi at work were good with his coworkers who he finally told that he was pregnant once it was clear that large sweat shirt weren't an option in the August heat. Zhao Zi told him that some of his coworkers were understandably freaked out and some were congratulating him and asking him when he is due. His due date is February first of next year and they couldn't wait.

Zhao Zi's boss was either avoiding him or from what Zhao Zi said was watching him like a hawk and make sure he stayed in the guideline of the pregnancy handout book they received a few ago. Zhao Zi already knew half the stuff so it didn't bother him, he basically ignored his boss unless he need to talk to about fixing something. Jack was just glad he was being left alone.

As he arrived home he noticed Zhao Zi's car. He wasn't surprised since today was Zhao Zi's day off. He pulled into the driveway and shut off his car before getting out. He headed inside and took of his shoes only to hear sniffling and sobbing coming from upstairs. He quickly made his way upstairs and to where the source of the crying was which was their bedroom. When he walked in Zhao Zi looked up at him with tears running down his face with a picture if what looked like his parents and grandmother in his hand.

"I miss them so much" he said before he started crying again. He quickly went over and gather him into his arms and just held him while he cried. Once he calmed down a little Zhao Zi lift his head to look at him.

"Maybe we shouldn't go today." Jack suggested.

"No, I want to go and tell them."

"Okay, let's go and get some flowers before we go to the cemetery." He said. They stood up and Zhao put the picture of his family back in the nightstand before they left. They left the house and go into Jackson's car. While they drove to the flower shop Jack told Zhao Zi his plan to ask Tang Yi if he needed a bodyguard.

"What's wrong with the job you have now?" He asked.

"Mr. Yang can't take no for an answer." Jack said making Zhao Zi growl. He didn't really know all the details of his and Mr. Yang's work relationship but he had a feeling that something was going on.

"What did he do?" He growled.

"He keeps asking to hang out and I keep telling him that I am married and love my husband."

"He's asking to get his ass kicked." Zhao Zi making Jack smile a little. His man was so cute jealous. He was cute all the damn time to be honest. They arrived at the flower shop and picked Zhao Zi's mother favorite flower which were sunflowers, a regular mixture of flowers for his dad and his grandmother's favorite which were white lilies before they bought them and left. The drive was filled with talk about next month's gender reveal party/baby shower that they were planning. They were totally excited to find out what they were having, Jack still thinks it is going to be a boy and Zhao Zi still thinks it's a girl.

When they arrive at the cemetery Zhao Zi took a deep breath. He hadn't been here since before he got pregnant and he knew it was going to be harder now more than ever. They parked the car and got out with Jack holding the bouquet for his parent while Zhao held the lilies. They walked hand-in-hand over to where his grandmother and parents were buried side by side. The greeted them before putting the flower down for his parents on their tombstone while put the lilies on his grandmothers.

"Hey grandma and mom and dad, as you can tell I'm four months pregnant, we don't know what it is yet but we fing out next month." Zhao Zi said.

"We hope you are pleased" Jack said before giving a slight bow out of respect.

"We talked about it and have already come up with two names that you guys would like and we think is really cute." Zhao Zi said.

"Whether it is a girl or a boy it will have a great name already picked out." Jack said.

"I wish you guys were here so you could enjoy the moments with us but I know that you are watching over us." Zhao Zi said wiping tears away. Jack put an arm around Zhao Zi's waist as they just stood there for a bit staring at the tombstones before they said there goodbyes and headed home.

I want to thank all of you who told me to take care of my health. I appreciate it and will try harder to do so. Also, are you guys excited for the gender reveals? Let me know what you think they will be.

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