Love At First Sight: Jack and Zhao Zi

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Before you start I just want to say that I have no idea what it takes to be a professional boxer or really anything about boxing except what I have seen in movies. I just make up things as I go along.

Peaches wiped sweat off her face with a rag before grabbing her water bottle and taking a drink. Her thoughts were on her match that was in a few days. She was going up against one of her biggest rivals and she was a little nervous. She knew she was a good boxer and won a lot of matches but Jinx was also good and won a lot of her matches. Her papa told her that it was just a match and that she would get another chance at it but he didn't understand how big this match was going to be. A couple of agents were going to be there and if she won this match she could possibly sign with an agency and probably be one of the first Thai female under the age of seventeen to ever sign with an agency.

Her dad who was a boxing gym owner was her trainer and was her biggest fan and worst critic. He pushed her to be her best and never give up. It's probably why she is like her dad more than her papa, it's also why she is closer to her papa than her dad. Her papa always wanted her to have a normal life that wasn't all about boxing. She definitely enjoyed those moments when she just got to be Peaches, not Peach the Beast. She enjoyed going on motorcycle rides with her family, hanging out with her friends and just relaxing. She still loved boxing and fully planned on being a professional boxer.

She did miss out on things by following this path, for example she has never had a boyfriend, of course she's had crushes but never a boyfriend. She always wanted one but her dad said that to be the best in your profession and to put all your focus and passion into what you loved you have to give up your personal life. Her parents had many fights about this over the last five year, Papa would yell at Dad about how she was young and had time to have a life before she had to find a career she wanted to follow. Dad would say that she has the talent to be an amazing boxer and that it was hard to get into this business and be successful if you didn't start early.

Peaches and Caesar would listen to their parents fight through the vents in both their rooms. Caesar felt sorry for her but was happy that they weren't arguing about him. Peaches hated that her parents fought about her and one time last year when the fighting got to much she went downstairs and screamed at them that she was quiting boxing. After that they had a long talk and decided that they would train three or four times a week and going to matches was up to her and if she got good grades. Things got better after that, her parents argued but not as bad, Peaches got a bit more freedom but not enough to secure a boyfriend.

Peaches grabbed her stuff and headed to say goodbye to her dad before heading home to shower and get ready for her best friends birthdays. Lucy and Hamilton were her best friends and they supported her wholeheartedly in her boxing profession and having a personal life, more the personal side than the professional side.

Lucy was so determined to get her a boyfriend that she had repeatedly sent boys after her and she sent them back with their tail between their legs. She maybe a bit short at 5'4 but that didn't mean she was any less intimidating. She liked dressing edgy and was a totally badass when she rode to school on her motorcycle. Apparently most boys don't like a strong and independent women, they wanted a woman who depended on them, a girly girl who faints at the sight of blood. She was definitely not that type of girl.

She wanted some who isn't at all intimated by her, a guy who will love her for her, some who is confident, kind, funny, smart, has goals for the future. She wants someone who wouldn't mind going on motorcycle rides or just hanging out with her. She wanted someone who didn't mind that she wanted to be a professional boxer. Not a lot of guys like their girlfriends coming home from a match beaten and bruised. She had seen guys wince at some of the bruises she had bit ignored them. She hoped she could find some that could look past that.

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