Swollen Feet, Backaches, Movements and Insecurities: Knock and Korn

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Their baby's room

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Their baby's room

Knock growled as he threw another pair of jeans down. This was the sixth pair of jeans he's tried on that he could button up. He was feed up with and glared down at his belly, he blamed his growing twenty six week belly for this. Now only did his daughter make him fat but also made his feet swell up like a balloon and his back hurt.

"You know what I'm not going to go to this fucking party!!" He said as his husband walked into the room.

"What's going on in here?" He asked.

"Don't you fucking speak right now!!" Knock warned before storming over to their bathroom and slamming the door shut. Korn sighed running a hand through his hair.

"What did I do?" Korn said confused. The door was thrown opened and Knock came out furious and pointed a finger at him.

"You got me pregnant. Your baby turned me into a fat cow. You stand there slim and fit and teasing me cause I down have that." He growled at him.

"Babe, it's only for three more months and then you can get your body back." Korn said.

"You think I will have time to work out how I used to with a newborn!!" He yelled.

"Babe, I thought we were going to fight in front of our daughter since she can hear us." Korn said.

"Shut up, I can't to look at you right now." He said before going to his dresser and pulling out a pair of sweat pants.

"I can't believe I am going to have to wear those girly maternity clothes." He muttered to himself as pulled the sweat pants on. Korn sighed before he turned and left the room knowing that it was best to let Knock be. He felt bad that Knock was insecure about his beautiful body. Couldn't he see that he was so sexy right now with his round belly. He needed to do something to make him feel better. He headed downstairs and to the back of the house towards the backyard sliding door. He unlocked and opened before stepping out and closing it behind him. He went over to one of the backyard lounge chairs and sat before pulling out his phone and calling the one person that might be able to help him with what he had in mind.

A week later, Korn opened the door to let Yihwa in. They had been planning a suprise for Knock for the past week and it was finally done. They got Knock maternity clothes custom made for a guy. Some of the T-shirts had writing on it like for example "I'm A Papa So Don't Mess With Me" or "Three Words To Describe Me Is Pregnant As Fuck" or "Don't Stare I Know I'm Sexy" and many more plus the stretch comfortable pants.

"Here's everything, I wish I could stay to see his reaction but I promised Cho a date night." Yihwa said.

"Thank you Yihwa" Korn said.

"No problem, I hope this works" she said before leaving. Korn closed the door with a sigh, he hoped it worked too. He headed upstairs with the bag of clothes and went to their room where Knock was sitting up on the bed resting his swollen feet.

"Hey" Korn said. Knock sighed like was grateful to see him.

"I'm sorry that I didn't apologize for snapping at you, it's not only your fault for me getting pregnant since it takes two to tango. I also am sorry for saying I can't stand to look at you cause it's not true." He said.

"Don't worry about it cause I didn't take it personally." Korn said.

"What's in the bag?" Knock asked hoping it was food.

"It's a surprise Yihwa and I have been working on, she had a friend help her out but it was mostly us." He said. He was totally nervous in how this was going to go down. Knock could either love it or hate it and become even angrier than he was before.

"What is it?" Knock asked. Korn walked over and handed him the bag. Knock looked at him before reaching in and pull out some of the contents. He looked at the t-shirt that said "Don't Stare I Know I'm Sexy and burst out laughing. Korn smiled in relief as Knock looked at the rest of the clothes before looking at him.

"Thanks babe, I love them especially the one that say three words to describe me is pregnant as fuck."

"Glad you like them" Korn said before taking a deep breath. "To me you are and will forever be the sexiest guy in the world, no matter if you are pregnant or not. You are even sexier when pregnant and all I want to do is to strip you of your clothes and show you how sexy you are but I know-" Korn gasped and looked down at his belly.

"What, what's wrong?" Korn asked very concerned. Knock grabbed Korn's hand and placed it on the side of his belly right as he felt another kick. Korn smiled as he felt two more kicks.

"I think she agrees with me." Korn said.

"I think she does" The stared at ea h other for a minute before Knock grabbed his face and pulled him closer to kiss him. "Fuck my ankles and my back and just fuck me." Knock said against his lips. Korn smiled and nodded before the clothes where pushed on the floor and their clothes came flying off too join them.

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