Learning To Walk And Talk: Zon and Saifah

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Not sure if I told you guys that Zon is Daddy/Dad and Saifah is Papa


Saifah smiled as he watched Shiloh babble, he was a little worried that he hadn't said his first words yet but both the doctor and Zon said that he would and it was just a matter of time. He wished time would hurry up since he really wanted to hear his first words. He knew that it wasn't going to be Papa since Shiloh is a huge daddy's boy.

Shiloh was still a shy and reserved baby but that was only out in public, with his family he was a bundle of joy and a totally dork.He made his parents laugh and smile every day and they wouldn't have it any other way. Shiloh also looked more like Zon but had Saifah's hair and nose. He was the cutest freaking little boy in the world.

Shiloh really like whenever he and Zon would play the guitar together or sing together. He tried to sing along but it just sounded like babbling, it was totally cute though. Shiloh also loved Disney movie especially Tarzan and would often want them to sing him songs from that movie. Saifah kinda hoped thay his song would get into music when he is older and make it a career. Zon wanted him to get a proper education first and then do whatever made him happy as long as it didn't get him into any trouble with the law.

"Babe, have you seen my notebook?" Zon said coming into the living room.

"Last time I saw it, it was in your office" Saifah said.

"That's what I thought too but I can't find it." He said.

"Maybe it fell between the wall and the back of your desk." He said.

"I checked there and it wasn't there." He said. "I'm going to check the security  cameras maybe it seen where I put it."

Zon pulled out his phone and pulled up the app for the security cameras. He checked yesterday's recordings and watch from the time he remembered seeing his notebook. As he watch he saw Shiloh crawl into view on camera, Shiloh crawled over to the desk and pulled himself up. Shiloh had been showing signs that he was going to walking for a week and a half and they had been helping him along but he just didn't do it yet. Saifah looked over Zon's shoulder as they watched Shiloh grab the edge of the notebook and pull it down onto the ground. Their eyes widened when they saw him let got of the desk and take two quick steps till he reached the notebook then fell back onto his butt. They had missed his first steps.

"Oh my gosh" Zon said before the looked up at Shiloh who had pulled himself up and was hanging onto the coffee table. He looked up at them and smiled before their hearts melted a bit at this next action.

"Pa-pa-pa-pa" Shiloh said as he let go of the coffee table and took a few quick steps towards them.. Saifah fought back tears as he knelt down and scooped his son up before kissing his cheek.

"That's right Shiloh I'm your Papa" Saifah said.

"Can you say Da-da?" Zon said.

"No it's my time, he's already a daddy's boy but right now he's a Papa's boy." Saifah said before moving away from him. Zon shook his head before continuing to look for his notebook.

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