Parents Find Out: Knock and Korn

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Korn ran a finger around Knock's seventeen weeks pregnant belly while he slept. He was on his side with his head propped up on his hand having a good time just touching Knock's belly. It was currently seven in the morning on Saturday so he wasn't worried about getting up anytime soon. This past month had been easier for them, they were bonding with the baby more and now that it could hear them that bond was growing even more.

The baby was doing well and they were excited since next month they will be finding out if they are having a boy or girl. Yiwha and Fai were throwing them a gender reveal/baby shower even though they weren't to keen on it. Korn decided that he didn't care if it was a boy or girl only wanting it to be healthy and happy. Knock thinks it's a boy but like Korn doesn't really care as long as it was healthy and happy.

Korn decided it was time to get up and cook breakfast so leaned in and kissed Knock before leaning down and kissing his baby bump then getting out of bed. He slipped on his briefs before heading downstairs to cook breakfast. As he did he thought about the lunch invite they got from both his parents and Knock's. They had yet to tell them because they all had been busy and they were a little scared. They didn't know how they were going to take it, accepting that your sons are married to another man is one thing but having that relationship produce a child is a whole other thing. One thing Korn did know was that he wouldn't allow them to upset Knock.

They told their parents that they should meet all together at Knock's family river house and they accepted. They did let them know that they had something to tell them so that they knew something was going on.

"You okay?" Knock said from beside him pulling him from his thoughts.

"Yeah why?"

"Cause you have been staring at the plate for like five minutes."

"Sorry just thinking about tonight." He said. Knock sighed and looked at his belly.

"No matter what happens promise me something." Knock said.


"Promise me that no matter what happens we will stick together." He said before looking up. Korn moved over to him so he was standing in front of him and his hands were on both sides of his belly.

"They would have to put me in a coma to tear me away from you and our child." He said before leaning in a kissing him. Knock kissed him back and they stood there for a few minutes just kissing till Korn pulled back.

"I would love to take you to bed right now but we should probably eat some breakfast before we get ready for the day." He said.

"I can give you something to eat." Knock said before taking his hand and pulling him towards the stairs. Korn was helpless to resist.

A little while later, freshly showered and dressed they came downstairs for some real breakfast. As they eat pancakes Knock took his prenatal vitamins while they talked.

"So I finally found the perfect chair to go into the baby's room." Knock said.

"After weeks of looking you finally found one you like huh?" Korn said.

"Yeah, it fits perfectly into the simple and modern theme of what we have now."

"Can't wait to see it"

"It should be here in a few days." Knock said standing up to put uis dishes in the dishwasher now that he was done with breakfast.

"What time did you tell your parents we would be over?" Korn said.

"Twelve o'clock"

"Good, I got a little time to finish putting the wallpaper on the ceiling."Korn said before standing to put his dishes in the dishwasher.

"Be careful"

"I will" He left Knock in the kitchen and headed upstairs to the babies room to start on his project. Two hours later he finally finished his project and headed to clean up and change his clothes since it had glue and stuff on it. When he was all cleaned up and dressed he headed downstairs to get Knock so they could go to Knock's family home. He found them on the couch sleeping and smiled at how cute he was. He moved over to him and knelt down next to him.

"Baby" he said. Knock slowly stirred and opened his eyes.

"What time is it?" He said groggily.

"Almost eleven thirty, we should head out" Korn said before Knock nodded. He helped him up and then they grabbed their phones and the keys to Korn's car and the house before leaving. As they drove to Knock's family they tried to relax and tell themselves that everything would be okay. They parked in the driveway once they arrived before Korn turned to Knock.


"Not really but I'll get over it."

"Don't worry, we are a team and we stick together no matter what." Korn said.

"Definitely" Knock smiled before they got out of the car. Both of their parents were here since they recognized Korn's parent's car. Korn took Knock's hand before they headed inside. The entered the house and heard their parents voices in the kitchen.

"Mom, we are here" Knock said. A second later Knock's mother appeared from the kitchen and smiled at them before her gaze got to his protruding belly and she froze where she stood.

"Suprise" Knock said. His mother's eyes rolled back in her head and Korn ran to catched her as she fell backwards, he caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Mom!!" Knock said hurrying over to her.

"What's going on in here?" Knock's dad said as he entered the living room. Looked at his wife then at his son and then at his son's protruding belly before his eyes widened.

"You''re" he said struggling to get his words out.

"Pregnant, yes dad." Knock said as Korn carried Knock's mother to the couch.

"Did someone just say pregnant?" Korn's mother said as Korn's parents appeared from the kitchen. They looked at Knock's dad's face then at Knock's passed out mother then at Korn trying to wake her up then at Knock and his protruding belly.

"I think I need to sit down." Korn's mother said walking over to a chair and sitting down in it. Korn and Knock finally got his mother to wake up before they turned to everyone in the room.

"This is what we wanted to tell you guys, Knock is four month pregnant." Korn said before explaining everything from the beginning minus the part of the conception.

"So when you came here and hid in your room you were upset about that and not about the accident?" Knock's mother said.

"Yeah, we felt bad about lying but we didn't want to tell you and then have a miscarriage." Knock said.

"We understand" Korn's mother said.

"When are you due?" Knock's mother asked.

"June twenty third" Knock said.

"Are you guys okay with this pregnancy?" Korn asked.

"Of course, we have been waiting for grandchildren for awhile, we are not getting any younger." Korn's father said.

"Are you planning to find out the gender or keep it a suprise?" Knock's father asked.

"Since Yihwa and Fai are planning a gender reveal/baby shower party I guess we are planning too." Knock said.

"I should get in touch with them and see if they need help with anything." Knock's mother said.

"They probably might but you know Yihwa and Fai, they will make it perfect." Knock said.

"Oh I can't wait to find out what you are having." Korn's mother said with a huge smile on her face. Knock and Korn looked at each other with a smile on their faces too.

"We can't wait either" They said.

Sorry for the late chapter I was having trouble posting it.

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