Learning To Walk And Talk: Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu

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Yu Xi Gu realized that his son is a huge dork. Adorable but still a huge dork. He was too funny even for a one year old, he just had one of those rare spirits that can just totally light up a room with just being himself. He looked more like his dad but had both his dad and papa personalities.

He had made a full one eighty from what he was like when he wouldn't show any emotion. Now he was this wild man who his parents were having a interesting time keeping up with. He just loved to move whether it was crawling around the house or playing with his toys or trying to walk. They weren't really worried about it since he was trying to do it, it was just a matter of time.

What was also a matter of time is Yu Xi Gu and Hao Ting next fight. They had been fighting about how Hao Ting wants to take a promotion as the second hand to the head of the department of African Savanna. The new promotion meant that he would be away from them for longer than 9 to 5, it was now 7am to 8pm. He would miss every milestone of their son's life if he took this promotion.

Hao Ting said that if he did take the job that the money he makes will not only help with paying for their bill but they would have extra to put into Leo's college fund. Yu Xi Gu said that Leo was only a year old and that they make enough money to pay their bills and put a little away when they could. They went back and forth with Yu Xi Gu saying that the cons outweigh the pros and that it wasn't worth it.

Their last fight ended with Yu Xi Gu telling him that if his job is more important than his child then to go ahead and take it but don't expect any sympathy from him when Leo grows up not knowing him.

They would always fight behind closed doors and never in front of Leo. They didn't want him to see them fight cause it would just upset him. They would either take it in the bathroom with the shower on or they would do it in hushed tones downstairs while he was sleeping upstairs.

Yu Xi Gu smiled at his son as he discovered that he like raspberries and peaches. He really tried hard not to show how unhappy he was. Hao Ting was sleeping in the guest room while he was in their master bedroom. They weren't really talking and hadn't since their last fight. He of course loved Hao Ting and always will but right now it felt like that was all that was keeping him in this marriage. Things needed to change and only Hao Ting could do that. He was happy that the zoo recognized Hao Ting hard work and success but he didn't like that it would take Hao Ting's time with his son.

"Okay I think we are done with the fruit since you think it's now face paint." He said as he removed the smashed up raspberry that he was rubbing all over his cheeks, chin and lips. He put the raspberry in the the baby bowl then took the bowl to the sink. He then took a few wet wipes and wiped Leo's face and hands.

As he threw them away he heard the front door open. He turned to face the doorway as Hao Ting walked through it. They just stared at each other for what felt like an hour but was probably only a minute.

"We need to talk" he said.

"If it's about the promotion then forget it." He said picking up Leo from his high chair. He moved towards the door, passing Hao Ting and entering the living room. He put him on his blanket in front of his toys.

"Yu Xi Gu..." He said before being interrupted.

"I told you that if it's about the promotion then I don't want to talk about it." He said before sighing in annoyance.

"I told you that we don't need the extra money, that what we need is you to be here for your family, for your son and for me. I need you to be here" he said. "If you want to take the job then fine, we will make it work but I wish you wouldn't."

"I told my boss that I couldn't take the job." Hao Ting said.

"What" he said shocked.

"You were right..we don't need the money." He said. "I just want to make sure that he gets every opportunity in the world." Yu Xi Gu sighed before he went over to him.

"He will have it, how about we just stay in the present cause we have more than enough time to get things in order." He said before hugging him.

"Okay" Hao Ting said.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Da-Da-Da-Dada" Leo said making them freeze. They looked over at Leo to see him standing and watching them. Their eyes widened as he took steps towards.

"He's walking and talking" Yu Xi Gu said.

"He said Dada" Hao Ting said in shock.

"Pa-Pa-Papa" Leo said smiling before falling on his butt. They both smiled before gathering around their son. They were finally truly happy.

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