Baby Number 2: Intouch and Korn

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Intouch smiled at his three year old daughter who was currently playing with friends of hers that she met through preschool. They had been invited to a playdate at the park, Marlow loved the park but loved hanging out with her friend Goldie and guy friend Boss.
Marlow was a extremely confident for a three year old, she knew what she wanted and went for it which Intouch thinks she gets from him.

She also brave, intelligent and very kind hearted. She was the perfect blend of her parents, especially her looks. They wonder how out of the two of them they could make a kid so beautiful, she could definitely be a model if she wanted to when she grew up. She just was so beautiful that strangers had commented on how beautiful she is.

Her parents were so obsessed with her that they didn't even discuss having another baby. They were just too wrapped up in their own little bubble. They of course put away time to work on their marriage, they took one night every Wednesday for date night and left Marlow with Saint and Krit. They always wear condoms everytime they do it and so far it has work.

Intouch was still as much in love with Korn as when they first fell in love with each other. He couldn't imagine his life without him. He smiles when Marlow came rushing over to him.

"Papa, are you otay?" She asked. Intouch frowned. He had been feeling a little off today and had been feeling a little bloated but other than that he felt fine.

"I'm okay, why do you think Papa is not okay?" He asked.

"The other parents say you look like you are getting fat cause of the baby." She said. Intouch was both insulted and shocked that people who he had known for several months would be that rude. He was not pregnant. He had been gaining some weight but not enough to say he was pregnant, plus he had none of the symptoms he had when he was pregnant with Marlow.

"I'm not pregnant baby girl and just cause someone gained some weight doesn't mean it's nice to call them fat, okay."

"Otay" she said before hugging him. Intouch kissed her had before telling her to go say goodbye to her friends cause it was time to go.

On the way home Intouch thought back to what was said about him. He couldn't be pregnant, he just couldn't be. He made a quick stop to store and ran in with Marlow and while she was looking at something Intouch grabbed a pregnancy test. After that they headed to the check out and bought the tests and a candy for Marlow. They left and headed home, once inside their house Intouch gave Marlow some lunch and while she was eating her sandwich he went into the bathroom and took the test. He waited till it was time and saw the results. Negative. Intouch sighed in relief.

He wasn't opposed to having another baby but right now was not the right time. He had just got over his separation anxiety over Marlow going to preschool and had started an online business with Krit that took up most of his time while Marlow was at school. Plus, Korn was busier than ever as Alex had taken over two companies and they were still sorting things out with that. He threw his pregnancy test away before washing his hands and heading to check on Marlow.

Later that night at dinner, Intouch started not feeling well, like his stomach was going to burst. He tried hard to ignore it while eating with Korn and Marlow but it was growing.

"I think I'm going to go take some medicine and head to bed early." He said moving to stand.

"Everything okay?" Korn asked.

"Yeah just not feeling well, I might be coming down with what Saint had a few weeks ago." He said.

"Okay, don't worry about the dishes or Marlow, I got them." Korn said. He nodded before heading upstairs to his room. He took a run before before getting changed and getting into bed.

A few hours later Intouch woke up feeling like he need to take a crap, his stomach was killing him. He got up and struggled to get to the bathroom. As he made it he noticed on the clock that it was just passed one in the morning. He could hear Korn's cute snores as he went into the bathroom and pulled down his pants and underwear before sitting down.

The pain was getting worse and he felt like he needed to push out whatever was trying to rip him apart. He cried out as the pain got worse and something was slowly coming out of him. He froze when he realized that this feeling was very similar to what he felt when he was in labor with Marlow. He slowly reached behind him and freaked out when he felt a head.

"KORN!!!" He yelled panicking. He was literally about to give birth to a band on the toilet and he didn't even know he was pregnant. Korn came rushing in with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm in labor right now, I feel a head." He said. Korn's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"You can't be..." He said. Intouch cried out as he felt another urge to push. He was not going to give birth to a baby and have it land in the toilet.

"Korn, I'm having a baby right now so I need you to help me move to the floor." He said. Korn just stared at him in shock till Intouch cried out in pain, begging him to help him. Korn immediately snapped out of it and immediately grabbed a towel and laid it out on the floor before he helped Intouch carefully of the toilet and onto his back on the floor. He saw the head and told Intouch to push with all his mighty. Intouch grabbed his legs that were up in the air and pushed with all his might till the shoulders slipped out before another push shot the baby out. Korn remembered what the doctor did when Marlow was born and quickly cleared the baby's airway till it let out a loud cry. Intouch smiled through his pants at the sound of his newest kid.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked as Korn wrapped the newborn in a fresh towel.

"It's a boy" Korn smiled making Intouch smile. Korn pulled out his phone and called 191 for help. Korn put their son in Intouch's arms who had sat up a little and leaned back against the bathroom wall. Intouch looked at the newest member of the family and smiled. He looked like Korn as a baby with all his features and hair which was fine with him.

"Hello..Ocean" he said.

"Ocean?" Korn said.

"Yeah, it fits us" Intouch said as Korn moved to sit next to him so he could see the baby.

"I like it" he said.

"I still can't believe I just gave birth." Intouch said. He then told him about what Marlow's friends mothers said and that he took a pregnancy test and it was negative.

"You didn't really have any symptoms except maybe the moodiness but I thought it was just the stress you were under." Korn said. "Plus you didn't have the obvious pregnant belly."

"I've heard the some people have pregnancies that the baby grows towards the back of them." Intouch said.

"Doesn't matter anyway, he's here and so freaking cute." Korn said.

"Papa, Daddy, what that?" Marlow said from the doorway. Intouch's screams must have woke her.

"Come here Marlow, we want to introduce you to someone." Korn said. Marlow walked over and crawl into her dad's lap and looked at a baby.

"This is Ocean, your new brother" Intouch said. Marlow looked at her brother and smiled and giggled.

"Where he come from?" She asked.

"He came from Papa's stomach, apparently you Papa was having a baby and didn't know it." Korn said. Marlow leaned in and stared at her brother before kissing his cheek.

"Hi Ocean" she said making her parents heart melt. A little while later they had been taken to the hospital by the paramedics and Ocean was given a clean bill of health which made Korn and Intouch feel relieved since they hadn't taken any vitamins and had the occasional glass of wine.

While Intouch was watching Marlow hold Ocean, he took a picture and sent it to their family and friends telling them what had happened and since it was almost three in the morning he wasn't surprised when they didn't respond till much later. He couldn't believe that they just had another kid, they had been so careful and always wore condoms but he guessed one ripped. He didn't really care. He was just glad things turned out alright.

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