First Crushes: Zon and Saifah

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Saifah watched Shiloh practice on his guitar. He was getting really good for only starting a few months ago. Saifah had been playing his acoustic guitar at home one day when Shiloh came up to him and asked if he could play too. Saifah sat him down next to him and began to teach him and had been teach him for an hour and a half every day after school when his homework was done. He likes to play American songs like Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley which was his favorite to play.

Saifah was just glad that he was interested in something. After what happened five years ago, Shiloh has become more reserved and quite even though they sent him to therapy and gave him the comfort he needed. He would have nightmares every night and even still when they moved out of their house and into a new one. After what happened Zon couldn't look at the playroom or their bedroom without having flashbacks which caused panic attacks. They all minus Melody had PTSD, Zon and Shiloh had it worse than him but still no one wanted to be in that house anymore. They moved and had security alarms and even more cameras installed which made them feel better.

Scar Yuan had been charged with trespassing, false imprisonment, child endangerment and attempted rape. During his trial they learn even more about his obsession with Zon, apparently Scar's husband died a two years before the event happened and at first he was a mess but about a few months later after the death he seemed to friends and family like he was getting better. Turns out he wasn't at all better, he had found one of Zon's books in his husband things and started reading it and became obsessed with the idea that Zon wrote these book about them.

He would stalk Zon on social media and buy every book he ever written. He had apparently met Zon at a book signing about a year into his obsession which Zon has no recollection of. A few months before the event he snapped when Zon announced through his publishing company that he was going to retire to spend more time with his husband and kids. After that Scar started stalking Zon and his family and discovered where they lived.

On the day of the event Scar stole a gun from his father and went to Zon's house, he found out what their security code for their alarm system and entered through the front door when Zon and Saifah were upstairs and the kids in the playroom. He heard the TV on in the playroom and followed it there. Once inside the playroom he grabbed Shiloh who was facing away from him and waited for Zon.

Scar was found guilty of every charge he was charged for and was sentence to fifteen years in prison. Zon and Saifah thought it should be more after how much that man ruin Shiloh's childhood and how much he traumatized their family.

It was a struggle for them at first to move on from it but with some professional help and some inner strength they all got better and hardly had any panic attacks anymore.

"Papa, papa!!!" Seven year old Melody said running up to them. Melody and Shiloh's relationship has changed a little but not much. They both are super protective of each other and for the first couple of months after what happened Zon and Saifah would check on them at night and always would find Melody in Shiloh's bed. Now that their older they don't do that as much but it was still cute to see.

"What's up princess?" He asked as Shiloh continued playing the cords to some American songs.

"Daddy says that we have to go now." She said.

"But we haven't finished playing yet." Shiloh said.

"How about tomorrow we play for two hours instead of an hour and a half, sound good?" Saifah asked. Shiloh sighed before nodding. They all had been invited to a block party hosted by their next door neighbors. A new family moved into the house across from them so it was more of a welcome to the neighborhood block party. They hadn't really met them but they knew it was a young couple and a little girl who is probably Shiloh's age.

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