I'm Pregnant: Jack and Zhao Zi

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Zhao Zi sat down on his couch with a sigh. He couldn't believe that he was pregnant with an actual baby. What the hell was he going to do? He needed to decide quickly cause if he was going to have this baby he needed to get his blood pressure taken care. He really didn't like it when he heard that it was something that the obstetrician would want to keep on eye on. He also didn't like the idea of getting rid of it. He sighed and put his head back on the back of the couch. He never thought about having kids before. His childhood hadn't been the best since losing his parents then years later when all grown up losing his grandmother. He had no idea how to be a good parent and neither did Jack since his parents abandoned him when he was a baby.

He may not be sure how to be a good parent but there was one thing he was sure of, he would never abandoned it. He lifted his head and looked down at his stomach, he may not have thought about being a parent but now that he is pregnant he couldn't think about getting rid of it. Looks like he's having this baby. Now all he had to do is get Jack on board. Jack came home and he still didn't have a good plan so he decided to test the waters.

"How did it go?" Jack asked sitting down on the couch facing him. "Did they find out what was wrong?"

"Yup, I have high blood pressure"

"High blood pressure?"


"High blood pressure made you have mood swings, made you always tired and make you not feel good?" He asked.


"I think you need a second opinion, I can have Tang Yi's doctor check you out." Jack said pulling his phone out.

"No need, what do you think about kids?" He asked catching Jack off guard.

"Kids?" Zhao Zi rolled his eyes before nodding.

"I think it would be really cool having a little one running around here."

"Why are we talking about kids when we should talk about how your doctor is an idiot?" Jack asked.

"Just answer the question" He said getting frustrated. "Do you want kids or not?"

"I don't know, I never thought about it."

"Well you should think about it cause in nine months we are going to have a little boy or girl staying here with us." Zhao Zi said. Jack looked at him like he was crazy.

"What are you talking about?"

"High blood pressure wasn't the only reason I was having those symptoms. I have a disorder called Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome which basically means I am able to get pregnant." Jack just stared at him in disbelief.


"Yeah, two weeks pregnant" Zhao Zi said.

"So that time in the shower was when..."

"I think so" he said before taking Jack's hands. "I know that we don't know the first thing about babies or how to be good parents but we can learn and we can raise it to have a better childhood than we did."

"A child.." He said still in shock.

"Yeah, I know it really wasn't in our plans but I couldn't stand when Doctor Sanders said that if I didn't end up having it I could abort it, so I'm thinking that we should first take care of my high blood pressure and then-"  He said but was cut off.

"Wait a minute, so you really do have high blood pressure?" He said coming out of his shock.

"Yeah, Dr. Sanders said that we need to decide if we want to keep it or not and if we do we should call Dr. Carter, she's apparently the best."

"What did he say about the high blood pressure?" Jack asked.

"He said that it isn't high enough to be of alarm but it is something that Dr. Carter might want to watch."

"I knew I should have gone with you, you must have been so nervous and worried." Jack said. Zhao Zi decided not to tell him about his panic attack.

"I was shocked but now I am happy, in nine months we could have a little boy or girl in our arms." Zhao Zi said. Jack looked at Zhao Zi's stomach before reaching his hand out and placing it on it.

"I think it's going to be a boy." He said.

"I think you are wrong and it's going to be a girl." Zhao Zi said placing his hand over Jack's on his stomach.

"Whatever it is, it's going to be ours."


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