Baby Number 2: Pharm and Dean

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Pharm tried to catch his breath as he lowered himself onto the couch after walking from the kitchen to the living room. That's what happens when you are almost nine months pregnant and due to give birth any day now. This pregnancy was fully planned after many discussions about having another child. They weren't sure if they wanted to have a baby while Caspian is so young but then they thought maybe they should since they would only be three years apart and would basically be growing up together.

They definitely decided to have another baby after that and that baby was a girl. They were thrilled to be having a girl and that included three year old Caspian. They weren't sure that he fully understood that he was going to be a big brother. He knew that Papa's stomach was really big but did he know why his stomach was so big they weren't sure.

Caspian was a sweetheart that loves his parents, Birdie and his toys and chicken nuggets. He was laid back, caring, independent and goofy and loved to smile and laugh. He was looking more and more like his parents and they hoped their daughter would look the same.

"You okay?" Alin asked. Dean's parents and Pharm's mother and brother were here to help out while Dean was at work and were also here for the birth of their daughter. They weren't going to be in the delivery room cause Dean and Pharm wanted that moment to be just theirs. They would be watching Caspian in the lobby.

"Yeah I just need to breathe..oh no" Pharm said as his water broke. "Someone call Dean cause my water just broke."

"Okay, I'll call Dean, Ann, grab Caspian and get him in the car, Alin and John (I have no clue what Dean's dad name is, if you know please let me know) help Pharm to the car and Phoom grab the bag by the door." Pharm's mother said. They all did as they were told, moving quickly to get everyone in the car. Pharm's mother called Dean who told her that he would meet them at the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital where they all headed inside, Dean's dad had Caspian in his arms as Pharm kissed Caspian goodbye before being taken to labor and delivery. Dean's parents plus Pharm's mother and brother all sat down in the lobby to wait for Dean and the new baby's arrival. Dean came in a few minutes later making Caspian smile.

"Daddy!!" He said. Dean smiled and walked up to him and his family.

"Hey buddy, be a good boy for your grandmas and grandpa and uncle."

"I want Papa" Caspian said.

"Papa is busy right now but you will see him later." Dean said. "Be a good boy for your grandparents while we are gone."

"Otay" Caspian said before continuing playing with the toy Alin gave him. Dean kissed his head before leaving to go find Pharm. As the grandparents and Phoom waited Caspian was getting tired of it so when his grandparents and Phoom weren't looking he left his chair and his toy and headed to the door his parents went through. The door opened and a doctor came out not seeing Caspian enter. Caspian stayed quiet as he walked down the hallway looking for his parents. He heard voices to his right and quick turned the corner on his left not knowing his parents were on the right.


Pharm gave one last push as his daughter slipped out of him. A loud cry filled the air making Pharm and Dean smile. She looked like Pharm minus the hair color which was definitely Dean's hair color. Dean cut the cord before his daughter was set on Pharm's chest as she was cleaned.

"Have you chosen a name?" The lady who was setting up their daughter's birth certificate said.

"Her name is Meadow Grace Triwinij Chatpokin" Dean said.

"That is a beautiful name" The nurse who put Meadow on Pharm's chest.

"Thank you" The new parents said right before a nurse came in and went over to the lady who was making Dean sign the birth certificate. She whispered something into her ear that the new parents didn't hear. The lady nodded before the other lady gave them a sympathetic look. Pharm and Dean looked at each other before looking at the lady who cleared her throat and looked at them.

"It seems your son is missing" She said making their hearts stop.

"What!!" They said.


Caspian walked down the hall looking for his parents and his new baby sister. He had no clue the uproar that he caused by his disappearance. He heard voices coming from around the corner and looked around it to see two women looking around calling his name. He thought this was a game and quickly turned and ran back the way he came. He was going to win this game. He gave up looking for his parents and sister and was now wanting to play.


"We gave you guys one job, look after our son so where THE HELL IS MY SON!!" Pharm screamed still trying to get out of bed to find his son with Dean and Phoom. Dean had immediately left after the lady told them Caspian was missing to find him. Pharm had given a nurse Meadow and was going to join his husband in the search for their son but he was pushed back by his mother and the nurses.

"We are sorry, we looked away for a second." Pharm's mother said tears running down her face.

"The security guard watching the cameras said that he saw Caspian on camera and that he didn't leave the hospital, he was by himself and they are trying to find him." Alin said.

"I can't believe you lost my three year old son." Pharm said once he was forced to lay back down. He knew someone would find his son but there was this horrible feeling deep inside that thought something else was going to go on and he didn't like it one bit.


Caspian had had enough of hide and seek and really wanted to be reunited with his parents. He was tired and hungry and wanted to go home. He started to cry as he walked down a hall that wasn't familiar to him. He wanted his Daddy. He wanted his Papa. He wanted to go to sleep.

"Caspian!!" A familiar voice said. Caspian turned to look at the person who called his name and saw his dad. He cried harder and raised his arms to be picked up as Dean rushed over to him. Dean picked him up and hugged him, thanking the powers that be that his son was okay.

"It's okay, it's okay, Daddy's gotcha" He said as Caspian slowly started to calm down. Dean walked backed to Pharm's room while Caspian laid his head on his dad's shoulder, glad that his adventure was finally over. As Dean opened the door he could hear his parents, his grandmother, his mother-in-law and brother-in-law all begging for Pharm's forgiveness. Pharm noticed them and almost jumped out of bed to get to them.

"Caspian, look whose here" Dean said making Caspian lift his head and look around. He spotted his Papa and quickly raised his arms to him wanting his papa to also comfort him. Pharm took him and pulled him closer to him.

"My sweet boy, Papa was so worried about you, we were all worried about you, don't ever do that again."

"Otay" He said laying down on Pharm's chest with his head on his shoulder.

"Would you like to meet your sister?" Pharm said making Caspian nod. The nurse who had Meadow brought her over and placed her in Pharm's other arm. Caspian looked down at his sister for a second before doing something that made everyones heart melt. He leaned over and gently kissed a sleeping Meadow's head. Their family was finally complete they thought as they watch Caspian fall asleep next to his sister.

Hoped you liked it, I originally going to do a different version but I ended up liking this one much better

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