Nauseous, Food Cravings and Friends Find Out: Knock and Korn

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Korn smiled as he watched his whole world sleep. It was currently five in the morning and in about thirty minutes they both had to get up for work. Right now it was his time to watch Knock sleep on his side facing him and to think about their baby. Their baby. Just hearing that word made him so happy. Knock being pregnant is a miracle to him even though Knock doesn't think so.

Korn could tell he was still struggling with being a male who is pregnant but every day Korn tries to do stuff to help him through it whether it be picking up morning sickness medication or picking up chocolate cake which has been a  constant craving for Knock this month. He also made sure no one found out about him being pregnant which meant lying to Knock's parents about why Knock shut himself in his room and also lying to both their families on why they weren't going to adopt a child.

They of course felt bad about lying but they wanted to wait until the second trimester when it was safe to tell people. Korn also knew that it was because Knock wasn't comfortable having people know that he could have babies. He wasn't ashamed of it, it was just that he is so in his head about people thinking him a freak. Korn has been working on fixing that.

Korn look down at Knock's naked baby bump and smiled. It wasn't big yet but you can definitely see a baby bump down there. He moved down the large bed till his head was next to it and put kisses all over it.

"Korn..." Knock groaned before turning onto his back. Korn smiled before moving back up the bed and giving a quick kiss to Knock's lips before he got up. He check the clock to see they had five minutes left so he headed to the bathroom to shower. When he got out he walked out with a towel around his waist to see Korn awake and leaning against the wall looking down at his stomach with a blank look.

"Hey, you okay?" he said making Knock look up.

"Yeah, just trying to get used to seeing it." Knock said before look back at it then running a hand over it. Korn walked over to the bed and sat down next to him.

"Maybe we should see some about how you are feeling being pregnant."

"No I'm fine, I just need more time to get used to it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" he said before getting out of bed in only his briefs. Korn watched him enter the shower and closed the door. He really wished he had someone to talk to about this, Knock obviously wasn't handling it well and didn't really talk about it unless Korn brought it up. Knock wore sweat shirts to hid the bump at work and with friends even though the bump was being enough for people but them to notice it. With the weather getting colder no one questioned it.

Korn didn't want to go behind Knock's back but Knock needed help coming to terms with the fact that he was having a baby in seven months. He sighed and got off the bed and headed into their walk-in closet to get dressed. Maybe if he could tell his friends without actually telling them then maybe they can help get him to see a therapist about it, that wouldn't really be going around his back. His friends are to curious not to look around and he knows that he had the papers with the due date and the test that they got from the hospital that said they were in fact having a baby. If it was left out in plain sight, maybe on the coffee table or something.

His friends were coming over for their weekly hang out night now that Fai has moved back to Thailand with her American boyfriend named Sky and set up a business together. If he left those papers hanging a little out of a fashion or celeb magazine on the coffee table either Yihwa or Fai would most likely see the magazine open it up and see the papers and confront them.

He got dressed and left the walk-in closet to hear Knock throwing up in the bathroom. He didn't dare go in the bathroom knowing he would get things thrown at him if he did so he left the room and headed down the hall to the stairs before going down them. He grabbed the papers that he needed and put them in the new edition of a fashion magazines that Yiwha and Fai likes before heading to the kitchen to make himself a quick breakfast knowing that Knock would just grab himself a banana, some yogurt and a cup of coffee.

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