Tired, Sick and Hormonal Oh Boy: Knock and Korn

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Knock was not at all happy right now. Today was a crappy day and nothing seemed to make it better which pissed him off more. He had no clue what was going on these days, he was tired most of the time and nauseous the rest of the time and that didn't include the time when he straight up want to strangle people. His job was shit and the pay wasn't great but the worst thing about it was the people working the job. They were constantly getting on his nerves and he was sick of it.

Korn tried to help which helped a little but there was definitely something wrong with him. He decided to do the right thing and schedule a doctor's appointment for this afternoon. Now all he had to do was go on with his day till then. During all that Korn and Knock decided to try adoption instead of a surrogate. There was a lot of kids that need a good home that they could provided. Knock was slowly getting used to the idea of having a kid running around. They wanted a toddler instead of baby, someone maybe three or four years old. They were in the process of filling out paperwork right now so they still had a while to go before the could be matched with a kid.

Knock sighed as he got into his car after work. He needed to stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things for the house. As he drove he fought the urge to throw up, he just needed to make it to the grocery store that was about ten minutes away from his work then he could use the bathroom. He groaned when he got stuck at stop light and breathed through the urge to throw up. As the light turned green he pressed down on the gas and was half way through the intersection when a car came out of nowhere and hit the passenger's side making his car flip on its side. Knock's head hit the glass window and he groaned as blood ran down his head.

He fought the urge to pass out as he heard people yelling and rushing to his car. He was losing the battle with it and  everything went dark. The sound of beeping woke Knock up and he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at a heart monitor. He then looked around the room to see it empty of people, he was definitely in the hospital. Memories of what happened hit him and he reached up to where he hit his head to find a bandage covering it. The door opened as he tried to sit up.

"Easy there" A nurse said moving to help him sit up. He sat up with the nurse's help before looking at her.

"How bad is my head?" He asked.

"You were lucky to have only a slight concussion and a few cuts." She said.

"Oh good" Knock asked as the doctor came in.

"Glad to see you awake." The doctor said. He checked over Knock before he spoke again. "Knock, did you know what Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome is?"


"Well Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome is a rare disorder that occurs in sexual development while in your mother's womb. Males with this disorder like you have normal male reproductive organs but they also have a uterus and fallopian tubes and they are mostly likely connected to your rectum."

"What?" Knock said confused on what this had to do with his accident.

"Knock, you are two weeks pregnant" The doctor said making Knock's face pale.

"No I am not cause men can't get pregnant." Knock said.

"But you can because you have Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome."

"Very funny doctor, did P'Bright set you up to this because if so then that's not funny." Knock said.

"P'Bright doesn't even know you are here and you are very much pregnant after the third pregnancy test we did on you." The doctor said.

"Have you been feeling tired for no reason or nauseous for no reason or a bit moody recently?" The nurse asked making Knock's face pale even more.

"We'll take that as a yes" The doctor said. "Those are symptoms of pregnancy."

"I am not pregnant, I can't be pregnant, you've got the wrong guy." He said getting up to leave.

"Knock, you are pre-".

"Stop saying that word!!" Knock snapped. "I'm not pregnant and I'm not staying here."

"We would like you to stay just until tomorrow." The doctor said.

"That's too damn bad cause I'm leaving." He said as he found his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He quickly changed his clothes before leaving the room. He wasn't pregnant, these people were crazy to think he was and that's why he need to get as far away as possible.

He left the hospital and got into a taxi before telling the driver his address. On the ride home he started to calm down and think things clearly. He needed to find out more about Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome. He got home and he paid the driver before getting out and heading inside. He was glad that Korn was still at work because if he was pre- that word then he was going to kill him.

He found his laptop on the desk and opened it before he typed in Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome and started doing some research. By the end of it he was both pissed off and freaked out. The doctor was right. He was indeed pregnant. What the fuck was he going to do about it? He decided that he needed to go somewhere to think for a bit so he packed some clothes into a bag and some of his personal things as well before he called up a taxi. He then wrote Korn a letter before the taxi arrived. He left the house with his bag and got into the taxi before giving the driver the address to his parents house.

I feel like this wasn't my best chapter, tell me what you guys think in the comments.

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