First Smiles, First Laughs and Date Night: Pharm and Dean

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"We are not watching her!!" Pharm said as he picked up more clothes from the hamper and put them in the washer.

"You know she doesn't trust sitters after what happened last time and it would only be for two days." Dean said.

"Dean, we are up to our eyeballs with baby stuff and work, we are not bringing a dog into the mix."

"It is only for two days and Del says that she's very good with babies. You know she wouldn't ask if it wasn't important." Dean said. Pharm sighed and threw the rest of the clothes in the washer before putting in soap and closing the door. He turned to look at his husband to see the hope in his eyes.

Apparently, Del was going on this big trip for work and needed someone to watch her beloved pitbull, Sasha. She got her just before Caspian was born after her break up with her long time boyfriend. She didn't trust dog sitters after one of them tried to sell her dog online, luckily one of Del's friends was scrolling through a websites that sells dogs in need of home and recognized a picture she took of Sasha and immediately notified Del. Del rushed home while also calling the police and the lady was arrested for attempted pet flipping. It really messed up Del and now she doesn't trust anyone but family with her dog.

Pharm understood her fear though he had never had someone try to steal and sell his son. And it's not like he hates Sasha it's more that Caspian just barely turned three months old and was still having trouble with being emotionless. Sasha is an adult dog and any parent would be worried about an adult dog around their new baby. He was also very busy with work and taking care of Caspian. Dean worked during the day and then when he gets home he takes over for Pharm who works the dinner shift at his restaurant.

After the fiasco with Brandon, Pharm hadn't trusted anyone to help him with the day-to-day stuff until he found out that Damien had a younger brother Dexter who had almost eight years of experience as a Sous Chef. Damien told him that if given the chance Dexter would prove to him that he is the guy for the job. Pharm told him he would give Dexter a shot but gave no promises. It's been about a month and a half and already Dexter has shown himself more than capable of handling the morning and early afternoon shifts and had no interest in being anything but a Sou Chef. He left everything else to Pharm. Speaking of handling things Pharm sighed again before giving his consent for Sasha to stay here.

"But I swear Dean I am not going to be the one to watch her all day. I have too many things to do as is and I am going to need help." Pharm said. Dean smiled one of his rare smiles that always made Pharm's heart race a little.

"I promise you that you won't regret it." Dean said.

"We will see" Pharm said before they left the room to check on Caspian.

Besides never smiling or laughing (which he totally gets from his dad) Caspian is a perfect baby. He is such a chill baby and sleeps like a champ now.. He's also really observant and enjoys hang out with his parents especially his daddy. Caspian also loves tummy time and when his parents plays with him with his toys or when they play with his feet though he doesn't show it through smiles or laughs, he makes a lot of noise when he likes something. Caspian was basically the mini version of Dean, Pharm didn't really mind cause he could see a little bit of him in Caspian.

"I'm going to call Del and tell her the good news." Dean said after checking on Caspian in his swing. Pharm shook his head before he knelt down by the swing.

"Why doesn't your Daddy be this helpful when it's time to change your butt?" He asked his son who just stared at him. He wished that he would smile or at least show some sort of emotion other than displeasure.

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