Heartbeats: Intouch and Korn

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It has been a month since Intouch and Korn's escape and things were going well for them, they got their green card and were able to know work so Korn went out and got himself a job working at company as an assistant. They were shocked when he got it thinking that cause he was on a work Visa and wasn't yet a citizen he wouldn't get it but the guy who hired him to be his assistant didn't care and said as long as he does his job and treats him well he will have a job there. It paid well and Korn was happy with it.

Things at the house were good too. After telling Saint the good news since he was obviously going to find out since Intouch's belly was getting bigger and Intouch didn't want to have to hide it when he is home. Saint was thrilled for them and had even started helping Intouch turn the other room in the guesthouse into a nursery. They just moved furniture out and painted the room a light grey with one wall being light grey with big white polka dots on it.

Intouch wanted a elephant themed room cause elephant are his favorite animal but he didn't want to go crazy with the elephant so instead he just painted the wall the color of a elephant, bought a white crib, white and grey bedding, pictures of animals, a tanish chair, an elephant blanket and a few toys with a card in Saint's name but was for Intouch and Korn only so their family couldn't track them. They still needed a few more things for the nursery bit Intouch was loving it already.

Intouch sighed as he sat down on the chair in the nursery. He looked down at the letter Saint had received from his family. They asked if he has heard or seen from him and if he does to please tell them immediately. Saint told them that he hadn't heard from Intouch since last year at Christmas but even if he did that he wouldn't tell them after how they treated him and his parents when he came out as gay. Saint's mother was his Intouch's father's sister and when Saint was twelve he told his family that he was gay, Intouch's father told Saint's mother that maybe if she had done a better job at raising her kid, he wouldn't be gay. Saint's mother lost her freaking mind and told him to fuck off and get out of her house and to never come back until he fixed his prejudice views against gay people.

Saint and his parents moved to San Francisco when Saint was fifteen and they haven't talked to Intouch's parents since. Saint and Intouch of course stayed in touch over the year and now at twenty four Saint, a millionaire had his cousin and his cousin's baby daddy living in his guest house.

Intouch missed his sister and Alin so very much and this morning he did something very stupid. He texted his sister on a burner phone. He wasn't supposed to be texting his family at all since he and Korn agreed to leave them in the past. He hadn't had a reply yet and he was almost wishing she didn't reply. Luck was not on his side when his burner phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket to find his sister was calling him. He took a deep breath and answered it.

"Intouch Chatpokin, you are in such big trouble mister!!" She yelled into the phone.

"Are you alone?" He said.

"Yes, mom and dad are out talking to some private investigator." She said making him panic but then he remembered that private investigators can't investigate someone living in a diffrent continent and relaxed. (A/N I have no idea if they can or cannot do that but let's pretend they can't)

"They aren't allowed too and they will never find us." Intouch said making Anhtika sigh.

"Intouch...please come home, I promise that I will take you and Alin and we will move somewhere away from our parents." She said. Intouch knew she was probably about to cry from how she said that.

"Ann, I can't ever come back because...I'm pregnant." He said.

"What do you mean you are pregnant?" She said. "Guys can't get pregnant" Intouch told her all about his disorder and how he and Korn are going to keep it.

"He will kill me if he finds out and I won't let him hurt me or my child, now you see why I can't come home."

"Intouch, tell me where you are and I will grab Alin and come to you cause you are going to need some help." She said.

"I can't risk it, I'm sorry Ann" he said before hanging up and bursting into tears. He so wanted to tell her and have her come help with the baby but he couldn't risk his parents or Korn's find them. He felt hands on his arms a few minutes later and he looked up to see it was Korn.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I did a stupid stupid thing." He said through his tears.

"Tell me what and I can fix it." He said. He told him what he did and about the calling and how he told his sister. He knew his sister would never tell their parents but there was that bit of fear that maybe she would. Korn sighed and took Intouch's hands and kissed them.

"I miss my sister and Alin so much" he cried.

"I know, I miss my brothers too but we need to focus on our future and raising this baby to be a good person." He said.

"I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to apologize for, I understand what you are going through and we will get past this and come out as better people." Korn said. Intouch smiled then leaned down and kissed him.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too, now let's get to our appointment or we will be late." Korn said before he stood and helped Intouch up. They left the guest house and got into the car Saint bought them and headed to the doctors office. They made it there with a few minutes to spare so they checked in and waited for Intouch's name to be called.

"Intouch" the female nurse said. They stood and followed her into the back and to and exam room where they were told that Dr. Erikson would be with them in a moment. They talked about Korn's day at work and how the nursery was coming together before the doctor walked in.

"How are we doing today?" She asked.

"It's been an emotional day but we are getting through it." Intouch said.

"I'm sorry to hear that" she said as Intouch laid back and lifted his shirt so she could put gel on it. Korn and Intouch couldn't wait to hear their baby's heartbeat as Dr. Erikson put the gel on his stomach. She took the ultrasound wand and moved it around the gel until the baby popped up on the screen. Dr. Erikson told them that every thing looks good with their baby before she hit a button and they heard the heartbeat beat for the first time.

"It's exactly what I needed to hear today." Intouch said.

"Same here" Korn said.

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