Heartbeats: Jack and Zhao Zi

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Zhao Zi smiled as he finally finished fixing the broken siren for one of the police officer's cars. He sat back before looking around then rubbing his baby bump that showed up at the beginning of the month. It was little but Zhao Zi could tell it was there. Jack loved the baby bump and would kiss it as they lay in bed at night and in the morning.

Things had calmed down for him after his morning sickness passed and his tiredness went down a lot plus the mood changes were also down a bit.
He came back to work a few days after he left and the Captain left him alone most days. Other times he swore he could feel him staring a hole through his head. Zhao Zi had been tempted to quit multiple times but he wasn't going to let Captain Zion get to him like that. He had decided that he wasn't going to stress over things he can't control. Jack was happy about that and definitely made it known that he would beat up anyone who messed with Zhao Zi.

He removed his hand quickly when he noticed that his colleagues where coming back from lunch. He didn't join them for lunch and instead waited till he finished the siren. He stood and went to faculty lounge to grab his lunch from the fridge. Jack had made him some healthy rice and beef and an all natural fruit juice drink. Everyone who was married was jealous cause their partners don't cook for them and his does.

After heating up his food he sat down on a chair in front of the table before setting his stuff on it. He opened the container and grabbed his chopsticks from his lunch bag and started eating. As he did he thought about today's prenatal check up, he hoped that Dr. Carter would tell them that his blood pressure wouldn't be a problem anymore. His blood pressure had been like a roller coaster, some days it's up and some days it's down but not to the place it needs to be.

A chair being pulled away from the table made him jump a little and he looked up to see it was the Captain. Great. If he starts something today Zhao Zi was going to give it right back to him. Captain Zion sat down across from him with what looked like a turkey sandwich and a can of Coke Cola.

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"I'm fine" Zhao Zi said before he started eating.

"I heard you requested to leave early today." He said making Zhao Zi freeze. This man was asking for it. Zhao Zi was usually a pretty chill guy but pregnant Zhao Zi was not. He took a deep breath and looked up at Captain Zion.

"I did, is that going to be a problem?" He asked.

"No just wondering if anything is wrong." He asked picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.

"Not that it's any of your business but I have a doctor's appointment to check on my blood pressure." Zhao Zi said.

"Oh, are they also going to check on your baby's heartbeat." He said making Zhao Zi tense. How did he know? He is going to cut his pay for sure since some departments do that to pregnant people.

"I don't know what you are talking about since men can't get pregnant." Zhao Zi said before continuing to eat.

"That's true, but you are different aren't you." He said. "I'm not stupid Zhao Zi, you have been tired, moody and nauseous."

"I told you it's-"

"Your blood pressure, it maybe be part of the reason but we both know you are pregnant so you better just admit it so we can talk about it." He said. Zhao Zi tried really hard not to kick his ass as he looked up at the asshole.

"Fine, legally I don't have to tell you this till later in the pregnancy but since you are so obsessed with it, yes I am three months pregnant." He said.

"That's all I wanted to know." Captain said.

"Now will you please just leave me alone cause I am trying to not raise my blood pressure and you are not helping me stay calm." He said before standing and grabbing his food then left.

The day went on and Zhao Zi hadn't heard a word from Captain since lunch time. He was happy about that and hoped it continued. As he finished up his project he was tapped on the shoulder, he turned and looked up at the person to see it was Jack.

"Hey" Jack said making Zhao Zi smile.

"Hey" he said back.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, just let me get my stuff."

"I left my bike at home and took a taxi here so we can go in your car." He said.

"Good but you are driving" Zhao Zi said handing him his keys to his car. Jack smiled and wrapped an arm around Zhao Zi's shoulder and kissed his temple as they walk out of the police station and to Zhao Zi's car.

Jack couldn't be more thrilled to be a dad. At first he thought he didn't want to be a dad but when Zhao Zi told him that he was going to have his baby things changed. He was now looking forward to it and couldn't wait for the birth so he can hold his child in his arms and shower it with love.

He was also worried about Zhao Zi's blood pressure. If this check up didn't have the results that his blood pressure went down then it could lead to placental abruption, (placenta separates from the uterine wall) intrauterine growth restriction (means baby will have a hard time growing), premature delivery, damage to Zhao Zi organs and could cause future cardiovascular disease. All of those were bad and all of those terrified him.

They were excited to hear the baby's heart beat but right now they were focused on the results. As they made it to Dr. Carter's office they parked in the parking lot and headed inside hand in hand. They checked in before they took a seat in the lobby to wait.

"Zhao Zi?" One of the nurses said standing in a doorway to the back room. Zhao Zi and Jack stood and walked over to her before being lead into the back. They were escorted into an exam room before getting Zhao Zi's temperature and blood pressure taken. The nurse didn't tell them the blood pressure which worried them a bit but they knew Dr. Carter would definitely tell them. They were then told Dr. Carter would be with them soon before the nurse left closing the door behind her.

"So Captain Zion joined me for lunch today." Zhao Zi said. Jack immediately tensed. He disliked the man for bugging Zhao Zi and wouldn't hesitate to beat the crap out of him if he dared to mess with Zhao Zi again.

"What happened?" Zhao told him what happened and how Captain Asshole knew about the baby.

"I'm going to kill him if he even so much as thinks about messing with your job." Jack said.

"Don't worry, I will sue him and the department if I am treat unfairly." Zhao Zi said taking Jack's hand. The door opened and Dr. Carter came in and smiled at them.

"How are you guys doing?" She asked.

"We are nervous about my blood pressure results." Zhao Zi said.

"Well....worry no more cause we got your results and your blood pressure has leveled out but that doesn't mean that you stop taking your medication or eating healthy foods and exercising." She said making Zhao Zi and Jack finally relax.

"Don't worry Doc, I have been making him homemade healthy food and we exercise every day." Jack said.

"Be care when exercising so you don't overdo it." She said making them nod in understanding. "Now who is ready to hear a heartbeat."

"We are most definitely ready." Zhao Zi said. She had him lay back and lift his shirt before she warned him about the coldness of the gel, she put the gel on and Zhao Zi just took it like a champ. She grabbed the ultrasound wand and rubbed it into the gel before a picture popped onto a screen next to them. Both Jack and Zhao Zi's eyes were glue to the screen as they got a glimpse of their baby.

"Your baby is a little small for three months but we'll keep an eye on it." She said making them relax a little. She hit a button on the keyboard board and the sound of their baby's heartbeat filled the room. Jack and Zhao Zi looked at each other both with huge smiles on their face.

"That's our baby Jack" Zhao Zi said before looking at the screen.

"It most certainly is" Jack said.

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