First Smiles, First Laughs and Date Night: Zon and Saifah

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Well hello there, (yes that was a reference to star wars) it's been awhile since I posted and I'm sorry for that. I was dealing with a covid scare (thankful don't have it) and my birthday and some other shit that you don't want to hear but I'm sorta back and will try to post more. Enjoy this chapter since I know a lot of you like Zon and Saifah


Zon took the remote out of Shiloh's mouth and replaced it with a teeth ring. He smiled down at him before leaning down and kissing his head. Shiloh was an amazing little boy even if he has only been on this earth for three months. Shiloh's personality was developing more and more every day and they realized that he was actually quite shy and reserved and hardly shows emotion minus crying his head off. They had talked to their son's doctor about Shiloh not showing emotion and the doctor said that he's still very young and he will probably grow out of it with time. Saifah and Zon decide to try to help him out with it so they had been trying almost everything to get Shiloh to show some emotion like smiling or laughing instead of crying.

Zon who worked from home still would spend at least an hour trying different activities to see if he would react. He would just go through the motion and babble and Zon would walk away frustrated. Saifah would tell him to be patient but the fool wasn't with them all day and didn't see how many times Shiloh rejected any sorts of emotion that didn't involve crying. Saifah gets to go write music and produce it while he stuck with a baby who hated emotions. He may look a bit like his parents but his personality was definitely not like them.

"Is today the day you are going to smile Shi? Zon asked him. Shiloh just looked at him as he sucked on his teething ring making Zon sigh.

"Didn't think so" he said before picking him up and putting him in his playpen then grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. He went through the channels till he found something he wanted to watch, he ended up with the Disney movie Tarzan. As the movie went on he noticed that he didn't hear suckling nor toys being played with. He looked over and saw Shiloh total enthralled with the movie. An idea formed in his head and he couldn't wait to share it with Saifah.

Later that day when Saifah got home he told him about what happened and his idea for it. Saifah was a little hesitant with it cause he didn't think it would work but Zon was determined. Saifah ended up going along with the plan and over the two days started changing Shiloh's playroom. The big day arrives and both Saifah and Zon are both nervous and excited to see if this works. They had been keeping Shiloh put of the playroom but now it was go time. Saifah grabbed his acoustic guitar while Zon distracted Shiloh enough so he could slip away to the playroom without him seeing Saifah's guitar which he loved.

"Are you ready to see your new playroom Shiloh?" Zon asked. Shiloh just looked at him as he sucked on his pacifier.

"I hope this works" he said before picking Shiloh up and heading towards the playroom. He took a deep breath when he was right of the door that would lead into the playroom before opening the door. They had changed everything in the playroom to things that are Tarzan themed. Their were stuffed animals from the movie, wall stickers of all the good characters around the room, their was a giant rug in the middle of the floor room with Terk on it there were all sorts of Tarzan themed stuff in their and right in the middle of it all was Saifah with his guitar. He started to play the chords to one of the songs from Tarzan.

"Whatever you do, I'll do it too, show me everything and tell me how, it all means something and yet nothing to me."

"I can see there's so much to learn it's all so close and yet so far, I see myself as people see me, oh, I just know there's something bigger out there"

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