Nauseous, Food Cravings and Friends Find Out: Zon and Saifah

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Zon stared down a his little baby bump and smiled. It was small but it was there and Zon and Saifah couldn't be happier. Things had changed for them over the past month, they grew even closer together and have already discussed names for either a girl or boy. They also decided that Zon would moved his office to his house since after his first book came out he was now a writer instead of just a publisher. He wanted to be there for the baby but also keep his career. Saifah couldn't really do that without bringing random people into their house since he was a music producer.

Also they went to the doctors and had it official confirmed that they were going to have a baby. While there they learned the reason Zon can have kids. Zon had a disorder called Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome which basically means he has both male and female reproductive systems but without the vagina. The uterus and fallopian tubes were mostly likely connected to Zon's rectum. They really didn't want to know that but it was useful information when they have sex again. Wear a freaking condom next time.

Now, they were just enjoying the good parts of pregnancy. The parts where Zon's not puking his guts out when Saifah brings home take out and his stomach doesn't agree with the smell of it. He also likes the parts where he doesn't get upset with his friends when they decided to make out on his couch instead of hanging out with their friends like they did yesterday. But actually he really loves the parts of pregnancy that makes them stay in bed for awhile and have hot sex. Saifah would also agree that out of everything they've been through during the past month this was the best.

"Hey babe, I found a crib online that is perfect for us." Saifah said coming downstairs with his laptop. Zon was on the couch watching Lilo and Stitch reruns and eating pineapple and ham pizza which he has been craving so he has had it for lunch every day. He was taking a break from writing for a week so he can relax and not stress out which his doctor told him to stop doing.

"Really, what colors does it come in?" Zon asked as Saifah sat down next to him.

"Dark and light brown, black, white, dark and light grey or we can have it customized to our preference." He said showing him the crib.

"It turns into a toddler bed which is good so we don't have to spend money on getting one and it's number one most bought brand, I say we get it." Zon said.

"I agree" Saifah said smiling. "How are you feeling?"

Today was not a good day, they went out for breakfast thinking it would be alright since Zon took morning sickness pills. Zon got a whiff of scrabbled eggs that passed their table and he was nauseous the whole time until the pills kicked in. On top of that Tutor thinks they are hiding something from them and has stopped at nothing to find out what it is which drives Zon and Saifah crazy cause now they have to watch what they say around him and Fighter, who is just apparently along for the ride and doesn't care if they are hiding something or not.

"Feeling much better now that I have my pizza and my Lilo and Stitch reruns." He smiled taking another bite of pizza.

"Have you gotten the text yet from Tutor saying we aren't being good friends if we don't tell him what we are hiding?" Saifah asked making Zon roll his eyes. Oh he got it alright.

"I told him we were hiding a secret sex dungeon where we invite innocence victims to come and be our sex slaves and that he was next."

"You did not!!" Saifah said bursting out laughing.

"Oh I so did and he shut up about it for a good hour."

"You are so badass babe." He said leaning in and kissing him. A knock on their front door made them groan when they tried to deepen the kiss.

"That's got to be the guys who are delivering our dresser for the nursery room." Zon said breaking the kiss. Saifah sighed and stood before heading to the front door. He opened it to see two uncomfortable delivery guys being sized up by a suspicious Tutor while Fighter look annoyed that they were here.

"What are you guys doing with a small dresser?" Tutor asked. "Don't you have a big dresser in your room?"

"Go home Tutor" Saifah said before turning to the delivery guys. "Sorry about him he's crazy"

"Hey I am not!!" Tutor said.

"Says the guy standing at my doorstep scaring these two poor guys trying to get us to reveal some secret you think we have." Saifah said letting the two guys in and telling them where to put it upstairs.

"Why are you getting a new dresser that looks like it's meant for a..." he said before his eyes widened. Oh shit.

"Are you guys adopt?"

"No" Saifah said before trying to close the door. Tutor along with a reluctant Fighter pushed their way through and into the house.

"Hey, get the hell out!!" Saifah yelled. Tutor ignored him and went over to Zon who looked to shocked to do anything even cover his exposed baby bump.

"Holy shit Fighter, Zon is pregnant" Tutor said as Fighter came over to him.

"Well I'll be damn" Fighter said finally knocking Zon out of his shock enough to pull his shirt down to cover his still forming belly.

"How could you not tell us?" Tutor said.

"We were going to when Zon is four months and out of his first trimester in case anything goes wrong."

"Nothing is going to go wrong I'll make sure of it." Tutor said taking on the role of protective godparent. There was no one else they would want to be godparents to their baby than Fighter and Tutor.

"Congratulations" Fighter said.

"Thanks, we are excited about it" Saifah said.

"If you need help with anything let me know." Tutor said to Zon.

"Can we have a few days of no texts, calls or random show ups so we can enjoy the rest of the week off?" Zon asked. Tutor sighed and nodded before congratulating them and grabbing Figther's hand then leaving. Zon and Saifah chuckled as the delivery guys and their friends left the building.

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