Gender Reveal: Zon and Saifah

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"Damnit Tutor, take it out it right now!!"
Zon yelled.

"I can't"

"Stop being an wuss and just do it." Zon said as he watched Tutor stare at the cupcakes that were nearly burnt. Tutor jumped and finally opened the oven and used hot pads to pull out the cupcakes for the baby shower out.

"I'm glad these aren't the ones I made." Zon said making Tutor glare at him. Today was the day of the gender reveal/baby shower party and Zon was currently over at Tutor and Fighter's watching Tutor fail at making cupcakes. He was afraid to get buried so he almost let the cupcakes burn. He knew Tutor's fear of being burn so he also made some at home yesterday and brought them over when Saifah dropped him off.

Saifah had to run to work really quick to help his idiot friend that had been arguing with an artist last month. The idiot had mixed up the tracks and now couldn't figure out which song goes to which album. Saifah promised to be back by the time people got here but most of their friends and family were here and still no sign of his husband.

"You know what grouchy pants why don't you go into the backyard and greet everyone and try to have a better attitude." Tutor said.

"If your husband promised to be here before people got here and he hasn't called or texted you saying he was running late or he wasn't going to be here then you'd be grouchy too." He said before heading to the backyard.

If Saifah missed their baby's gender reveal he was sleeping on the couch for a long time. He walked over to where everyone was sitting on lounge chairs and took an empty seat next to Fighter.

"Did he burn the cupcakes?" Fighter asked.

"Almost, I told him to stop being a wuss and take them out." He said making Fighter chuckle.

"So are we going to start the party or are we still going to wait for Saifah?" His mother asked.

"I swear if that man doesn't show up-" Zon growled not hearing the sliding door open.

"You think I would miss our baby's party?" Saifah's voice said from behind him. Zon instantly relaxed knowing that his husband was safe and here with him. He stood and rushed over to him the best he could and threw his arms around his waist and hugged him.

"I was worried something had happened when people started showing up and you didn't text or call me." He said.

"Sorry, the idiot threw my phone across the room when I told him he was fired." Saifah said. "It broke and I couldn't call you but I did try calling Tutor and Fighter but apparently their phones are upstairs."

"I'm going to kill them" Zon said into Saifah's chest.

"Don't worry I already yelled at Tutor for it and I will deal with Fighter later but right now let's get this party started."

They started with silly games that their mothers forced them to play before moving on to presents. They got the things that they hadn't gotten already like a stroller, extra diapers and wipes, a baby carrier and baby shampoo and soaps. The one thing that Zon and Saifah liked the most is the scrapbook to Zol gave them so they could put all the memories into it so that they will always remember it.

"Okay you guys if you could all stand and join me on the grass we can start the gender reveal." Tutor said as Fighter held an electric guitar. He held it so no one could see the front of it was hidden which must mean that the gender of the baby is on it. Zon and Saifah trusted Fighter with the gender and told him that what happens to not tell anyone including Tutor. Tutor most definitely tried but Fighter stayed strong.

"My husband was intrusted with the gender of the baby so he will be doing the gender reveal." Tutor said before stepping back so he would be able to see what the gender was.

"On the count of three I will flip this over and it will be either have blue on it or pink on it, are you guys ready?"

"Yeah" They said.

"One....Two...Three!!" He said before he flipped it over and revealed a blue surface. They were having a boy and they couldn't be happier.

 They were having a boy and they couldn't be happier

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