I'm Pregnant: Pharm and Dean

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Dean watched as his father talked to some of his business associates. In a few months his father would retire and hand over the business to him. He would do things a little differently than his father to better the company. After his father said goodbye to his associates he turned to him.

"How about you and I order some lunch?" He said.

"Sure" he said. As his father tries to decide what to eat his thoughts went to Pharm. He was worried about Pharm's unusual symptoms he has been having. Pharm would push it off saying whatever it was would pass but he doesn't think so. He thinks Pharm should see a doctor about it but knowing Pharm he would refuse.

"I'm thinking about getting the Pad Thai." His father said pulling him from his thoughts.

"I'll get the same" Dean said. His father ordered the food on his phone while Dean continued to think about Pharm. His phone ringing pulled him from his thoughts again and he pulled his phone out of his pocket to see an unknown number on his screen. He hit answer before putting the phone up to his ear.

"Hello" he said.

"Hey, I'm Dylan, Pharm's boss" he said making Dean's body tense. Why the heck was Pharm's boss calling him? Is Pharm okay?

"I am calling because something happened to Pharm and he was rushed to the hospital to have emergency surgery." Dylan said.

"What!!" He said making his father look at him in concern. He stood and left his father's office heading to the elevator.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He was fine and joking with my Sous Chef and I and the next thing I know he's screaming his head off in pain and collapsed on the floor, he was rushed to Saint Buddha's hospital." Dylan said as Dean stepped into the elevator.

"Did they say what was wrong with him?" He asked.

"I'm going to let Pharm tell you what it is, I just wanted to inform you of the situation and tell you he's out of surgery." He said.

"Thank you, I'm headed to the hospital right now." He said before hanging up. The doors to the elevator opened and he rushed out of the elevator that took him to the parking garage and rushed to his car. His heart was pounding as he drove out of the parking garage and towards the hospital he was told Pharm was at. He prayed that Pharm was alive by the time he got there. He was so worried and tense, he wouldn't relax till he saw Pharm and knew he was going to be okay. He arrived at the hospital and parked his car in the parking lot before turning it off and jumping out. He rushed into the hospital and up to the front desk.

"I'm looking for my husband Pharm Chatpokin" he said. The lady behind the desk started typing on her computer before she looked at him.

"Mr. Chatpokin is in room 204 upstairs on the fourth floor" she said. He thanked her and headed for the elevator. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest and all he wanted to do is see Pharm and make sure he was alright. The doors opened on the correct floor and he hurried out in search of room 204. When he found it he saw two guys leaving the room and thought those must be Pharm's bosses.

"You must be Dean, I'm Dylan and this is Damien, my Sous Chef." He said. Dean shook their hands.

"Thank you for watching out for him."

"No problem" Damien said.

"Is he awake yet?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, he's talking with the doctor." Dylan said. Dean said his goodbyes before he entered the room. The doctor had turned to leave when he entered.

"You must be Pharm's husband" he said. "I'm Doctor Thomas, I performed the surgery on Pharm and will be his main doctor while he is here."

Dean just nodded not taking his eyes of Pharm who was staring back. Dr. Thomas chuckled before leaving. Dean moved to the side of the bed before leaning over and cupping Pharm's face before he kissed him. He let all his worry and fear and relief into this kiss. Pharm pulled back for some air and smiled at him.

"I'm okay just very sore." He said.

"What the hell happened?" Dean said sitting down on the bed next to him. Pharm took a deep breath before taking Dean's hands.

"Dean...I'm two weeks pregnant" he said shocking Dean.


"It's why I have been so tired and sick." Pharm said. "I have a disorder called Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome which basically means I have both male and female reproductive organs except for the obvious, it also means I can get pregnant." Dean didn't know what to think. His husband was pregnant.

"I had the surgery cause there was a tear in my uterus and I was bleeding out but Doctor Thomas fixed it and the baby and I are going to be okay. I may have to stay here for a bit till they find out what caused the tear but something tells me we are going to be fine." Pharm said.

"Pregnant.." Dean said shocked.

"I know we weren't planning on having kids any time soon but I can't possibly think about getting rid of it." Pharm said. "I would understand if you chose to walk away, I wouldn't blame you." Dean snapped out of shock and squeezed Pharm's hands.

"I'm not leaving you or our kid, we may have not planned this but now that it's here in our lives I think that we are going to have a beautiful child together." He said making tears fill Pharm's eyes.

"I was hoping you would say that." Pharm said as Dean wiped tears away.

"No more tears from now on" he said. "Sleep now cause you look exhausted."

Dean helped Pharm put his bed down so he could lay all the way down and sleep. He was going to be a dad. He couldn't believe it. He looked at Pharm as he fell asleep and knew that no matter if he was a shitty father, Pharm would be an excellent father. He couldn't wait to meet the baby and watch it grow.

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