I'm Pregnant: Intouch and Korn

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Intouch just stared at the tests that just changed his whole life. He was pregnant with Korn's baby and he had no clue how this was possible. He was a guy and everyone knows guys can't get pregnant so why was every single one of the pregnancy tests positive. There must be some sort of mistake, he couldn't actually be pregnant. He took a deep breath before sitting down on the edge of the tub.

Logically, he knew this was crazy but on the other hand he felt...excited. He knew that the tests were probably defective but some part of him wanted it to be true. He wanted to have Korn's baby. He smiled finally letting himself admit it before his mind got to work thinking. He needed to get to the doctors tomorrow and confirm it before he told Korn. Korn wasn't coming over today since his parents are throwing a huge party for him with all his father's mafia friends that will probably last through out the night. Intouch jumped when someone knocked on the door and he quickly stood and threw all the evidence of what he just did in the bag.

"In, are you okay in there?" His mother asked.

"Yeah, my zipper wouldn't come down but I got it now." He lied. He couldn't tell anyone obviously and if he really was pregnant then Korn and Intouch really did need to escape cause their fathers would kill him before they let what they think is an unnatural baby into the world.

"Okay, your father and I are going to sleep now so see you in the morning." She said.

"Good night" he said. He heard her  footsteps fade away before he unlocked the door, opened it and stepped out. He quickly went to his room and closed the door behind him before he opened his closet to hide the bag behind some stuff. He shut the door to his closet door and got ready for bed hoping that the doctor confirmed what he hoped was true.

The next day Intouch raced out of the house so excited for this check up. He refused to let anyone come with him saying he was a grown man and he could do this himself. He jumped in the car and headed to the doctor's office. When he arrived he texted Korn from a burner phone that he made it to the doctors and he would talk to him tonight. Korn texted back that he loved him which made Intouch smiled and reply that he loves him too.

He pocketed the phone and got out of the car before heading inside. He checked in and then waited in the lobby for his name to be called. A few minutes later the door to the back room opened and a female nurse appeared.

"Intouch" She said. Intouch stood and followed her into the back and to an exam room. She told him that Dr. Henry would be with him in a moment before she left. Intouch was a little nervous but he knew he was pregnant he just wanted to confirm it and wanted to know how he was able to have a baby. The door opened a few minutes later and Dr. Henry walks in.

"Hello Mr. Chatpokin, what has brought you in today." He asked.

"I need to confirm a pregnancy." He said shocking the doctor.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"I have been throwing up and sleeping more often and I'm usually a very calm and happy guy but recently I have been having a hard time controlling my moods, I also took four pregnancy tests and they all came out positive." He said before pulling out the tests he hid in his pocket so he could show the doctor.

"Holy crap, I am pretty sure you might have a disorder called Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome which is a rare disorder that allows men to get pregnant by having a fallopian tube and a uterus attached to the male rectum." He said. "This is the first time I have had a guy with Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome cross my path."

"Can you confirm it?" Intouch asked.

"Yes, let me get one of the nurses to draw some of your blood and we will do a test to confirm it." He said before leaving. Intouch took a deep breath to relax before the nurse came in. A few minutes later a nurse came in and smiled at him before she started the process of drawing his blood. About ten minutes after the nurse left with his blood Dr. Henry came in with a look of disbelief on his face.

"You are indeed pregnant and you do have Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome, congratulations Mr. Chatpokin."

"Thank you, I'm going to keep it and my boyfriend and I are going to be the best parents ever." He said before getting off the exam table, he thanked the doctor before he left.

When he got home he got in a fight with his father about not letting his mother go with him to the doctor's appointment when he found out that Intouch said no to her coming. He yelled back at him saying he was old enough to make his own decisions. His father tried to blame his new change in attitude on Korn but Intouch wouldn't have it.

"This is not about Korn this is about you wanting to control my life and I have had it!!" Intouch yelled.

"Do not raise your voice at me young man, I am your father and I know what is good for you!!" He yelled back.

"You wouldn't know what was good for me if it bit you in the ass." Intouch said making everyone gasp minus Alin who was outside in the backyard playing.

"Intouch!!" His mother said. Intouch just turned and left the house before heading to his car. He was almost there when a hand grabbed his arm and he turned only to fall on the ground holding the place on his face where his father slapped him.

"How dare you talk to me that way?" He said. Intouch glared at him as he stood.

"That is the last time you will ever hit me." He said before he pushed his father back and ran to his car. He got in and started it before driving off. He drove for what felt like hours but in reality he only drove for about twenty minutes. He pulled into the parking lot of the beach that he and Korn went to the night he conceived their baby. He parked the car and cried his eyes out. He wanted to leave for America right now, he wanted to grab Korn and leave but they weren't ready yet.

He took a deep breath and pulled out his burner phone. He hit the call button and put it up to his ear, Korn's number is the only one on this phone and the only one he wanted to hear from.

"Babe what's wrong you never call me during the day?" Korn asked as he answered the phone. Intouch just cried into the phone.

"Babe, what happened?"

"I swear Korn, we are going to be better parents then our parents." He said through his tears. "And we will never lay a hand on them like our parents did to us."

"Of course, did he hit you again?" Korn asked.

"Yes, we got into an argument and I told him he didn't know what was good for me if it bit him in the ass before I stormed out, he followed me and grabbed my arm and slapped me across the face." He said making Korn growl.

"We are bumping up our plans to next week and getting the fuck out of here." He said.

"I do have some good news though you might be shocked by it." Intouch said.


"The reason I have been so sick and tired and not myself is because I'm two weeks pregnant." He said. Silence was all Intouch heard on the other line.

"Korn, are you still there?"

"We are not having this conversation on the phone" He said. "Where are you and can you make it to the beach?"

"I'm already at the beach"

"I will be there in ten minutes." He said before hanging up. Intouch dropped his phone into a cup holder and took a deep breath then wiped tears from his face. He winced a bit at the sore spot on his face knowing it would probably be tender for a few days.

Ten minutes felt like forever but when Intouch saw Korn's car pull into the parking lot he quickly got out of his car. Korn parked the car and got out and Intouch didn't even think about it, he just took off towards him and threw his arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug.

"Say it again" Korn said making Intouch smile and pull back.

"I'm pregnant with your baby" Korn's smile took up his whole face and he leaned in and kissed him. Intouch then explained everything he had learn and Korn didn't even care.

"This is the best news I have heard all day, hell even all week." Korn said.

"I totally agree"

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