Baby Number 2: Jack and Zhao Zi

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Zhao Zi groaned as he felt another contraction hit him. His water had broken a few minutes ago and he was all alone in the house since Jack left about ten minutes ago to pick up Peaches from preschool. He groaned again trying to make it to his cellphone to call his husband but the pain was even worse than he remembered as he slumped down onto the carpet of their bedroom. He breathed through the contraction until it came to an end. He was a little worried since his contractions were coming closer and closer together like they were when Peaches was born.

After multiple tries to get pregnant over the last two year Jack and Zhao Zi were  beginning to think it would never happen until one day Zhao Zi threw up at Shao Fei's birth party, Jack went out and bought him a pregnancy test and they were both thrilled when all three tests were positive. This pregnancy was by far the easiesthe since his blood pressure stayed normal and there was no psycho boss trying to assault him or any traumatic events. It was just a normal pregnancy and they were just as excited for their son to be born as they were when Peaches was born.

Peaches looked more like her parents with each passing day. She was smart, funny, independent, loves her aunts and uncles even though Tang Yi is her favorite. She loved her parents and motorcycles and even loved watching her daddy box. She showed an interest in it so Jack was carefully teaching her to box. She also was totally excited to have a little brother and asked everyday when her baby brother would be here.

"Oh fuck" Zhao Zi said as he dragged himself to where his phone on the bed was. He hit the button to call his husband as another contraction hit.

"Hey babe, I just got Peaches and we are on our way back." Jack said before Zhao Zi let out a groan.

"Hurry please, my water just broke and I think I'm not getting a C-section again cause I can feel the head, I have to push babe I can't help it." He said as his hand was down his pants feeling a head with hair coming out of him.

"Oh god, we'll be there soon just take a deep breath and push baby" he said. Zhao Zi forced himself onto the bed onto his back not wanting to give birth on the floor. He didn't know how he manged to get his pants off but he did as he took a deep breath and pushed.

"Ahhhhhh" he screamed. He swore he heard Peaches asking why Papa was screaming before he heard a click as the call ended. He was on his own now and he had to get his son out of him before he tore him apart. He waited for another contraction before grabbed his legs to use them for support before he pushed again.

"I swear I'm never doing this again" he screamed. He reached down to feel the head was out and his shoulder were trying to come out. He knew he need to push with all his might now. He grabbed his legs and took a deep breath before letting out the biggest scream ever as he pushed. He barely registered the front door banging open and voices downstairs before footsteps running up the stairs and down the hall.

"Baby!!" Jack said running into the room as their son slipped out of him and he let out a cry of relief before he pushed out the after birth. Jack ran into the bathroom and grabbed some towel before going back into the room to see Zhao Zi holding their crying bloody son in his arms.

"He's so beautiful" he said as tears ran down his face. Jack came over and wrapped their son in a towel trying to clean him up just as two paramedics entered the room. Jack moved out of the way as the paramedics began checking on Zhao Zi and their son. They got him and the baby put on a stretcher and taken downstairs. Zhao Zi caught a glimpse of a crying Peaches and he made them stop for a second.

"Peaches, Papa is alright" he said. Peaches got off of Tang Yi's lap who apparently showed up with Jack along with Shao Fei. She rushed over to them and Jack help her up onto the stretcher so she straddled her Papa's lap. She stopped crying and looked at her brother as the paramedics got them outside and into the ambulance truck.

"Peaches, meet your little brother Caesar" Zhao Zi said. Peaches got a little closer to him and locked down at her little brother's face. She giggled before looking at her dad.

"Daddy, he look like you"

"Really, I think he looks a bit of both your papa and I." Jack said. Zhao Zi looked down at his son and smiled before tucking the blanket he was wrapped in after Jack was allowed to cut the umbilical cord and got him cleaned up a bit so he wasn't as bloody anymore.

"Welcome to the world Caesar, your parents and big sister love you so much." He said before leaning down and kissing his head as Caesar slept.

"You okay babe, I should have taken you with me instead of listening to you." Jack said.

"Don't blame yourself, I'm fine and our son is fine and that's all that matters." Zhao Zi said.

"Don't worry daddy, Esar is okay, papa okay" Peaches said making everyone chuckle at how see pronounced Caesar.

"Thank you for comforting me my little Peach" Jack said before leaning over and kissing her head. Life right now couldn't be more perfect as they loaded him into the ambulance with his family

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