Nauseous, Food Cravings and Friends Find Out: Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu

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I forgot to mention that Yu Xi Gu's aunt won't be in this story.

Yu Xi Gu smiled as watched his boyfriend take a picture with his parents in his cap and gown. His sister was in charge of taking them while he was just admiring the view. His graduation was the day before yesterday and his boyfriend and his family came though he suspected that Hao Ting and his mother ganged up on his father and forced him to come with them. His aunt couldn't make it but had sent him a bouquet of red roses and a check with a good sized amount on it that would be going towards stuff for the baby.

Speaking of the baby, he bumped showed up a little last week which fascinated it's parents. It wasn't big enough for people to see it through clothing which they were thanking for since they were ready to tell Hao Ting's parents or sister yet. They had been doing very hiding it from their friends too. They would probably tell them when he is four months pregnant. His pregnancy symptom were still a nuisance but with the morning sickness pills it was making life easier. His craving were peanut butter and oreos which Hao Ting thought was weird until he tried them and now they have their own package of oreos and two jars of peanut butter.

"Yu Xi Gu, why don't you join Hao Ting for a picture." Mrs. Xiang said. Yu Xi Gu moved towards Hao Ting before Hao Ting pulled him closer by his waist. They took a few more picture before they headed for the parking.

"I was thinking we should all go celebrate at fancy restaurant." Hao Ting said.

"Actually, I think I'm going to head home I am tired and it's been a long day." Yu Xi Gu said.

"Are you sure babe?" Hao Ting asked.

"If he doesn't want to come then let him go." Mr. Xiang said making his wife hit his arm and tells him to be quiet. Hao Ting ignores him and steps closer to his boyfriend so his parent wouldn't over hear.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's making me tired, go enjoy time with your family." Yu Xi Gu said before leaning up and kissing him.

"I won't enjoy it as much knowing you aren't there with me." He said making him smile.

"You have me all to yourself every night and your family doesn't so just got and have fun then come home and cuddle with me." Hao Ting sighed before leaning down a little a kissing him.

"Love you"

"Love you too" he said before watching him turn and walk of with his family. Yu Xi Gu turned and headed to his car to go home. When he arrived home he took his shoes of and dropped his keys and wallet on the table before locking the door. He sighed and headed to his room feeling total drained of energy. He didn't remember how he got undressed but as he climbed into bed he felt so ready to fall asleep.

Yu Xi Gu jumped a little as he felt arms pull him close. He looked at the clock to see it was almost midnight.

"Didn't mean to wake you." Hao Ting said.

"It's fine, why are you home so late?" He asked.

"Got into an argument with my dad again and the cops were called." He said.

"Are you okay?" Yu Xi Gu asked turning to face him.

"Yeah, just done with his bullshit" he said before sighing. "Let's just go to sleep"

"Okay" They fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, they were awoken to someone ringing their door bell. Hao Ting groaned as he got out of bed to tell whoever it was to go away. Yu Xi Gu  stretched before getting up and headed to the bathroom. He relieved himself before grabbing his bottle of prenatal vitamins and his box of morning sickness pills. As he was about to take a prenatal vitamin when he heard a familiar voice standing right outside the bathroom.

"Why are you taking prenatal vitamins?" Sun Bo asked before his eyes widened and he looked down at Yu Xi Gu's stomach.

"Are you..." he said.

"No" Yu Xi Gu  said with wide eyes.

"Then why are you taking prenatal vitamins and why is their morning sickness pills sitting on your countertop?" He asked. Yu Xi Gu just stared at him in shock.

"What's going on in here?" Zhi Gang asked walking in up next to Sun Bo.

"This fool is pregnant" he said.

"Babe, men can't-" Zhi Gang said but was cut of when his husband reached over and pulled up Yu Xi Gu's shirt. Yu Xi Gu swatted his hand away but not before they saw his bump.

"Holy shit" Sun Bo said.

"Leave my boyfriend alone" Hao Ting said before pushing his way through them to stand in front them blocking their view of his boyfriend.

"H-He's p-pregnant" Zhi Gang said.

"Yes he's pregnant and we weren't planning on telling anyone till we were ready." Hao Ting said.

"H-How did this happen?" Sun Bo said to in shock to realize what he just said.

"When two guys love each other very much they have sex and if one of those guys have Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome they can make a baby." Hao Ting said with the straights face possible.

"Wait a minute, I heard about that somewhere, Yu Xi Gu basically has a uterus and fallopian tube inside of him attached to his rectum."

"Yes, now if you will both kindly leave my room so my boyfriend can take his medicine and get ready for the day." Hao Ting said. Sun Bo and Zhi Gang turned and left the room before Hao Ting turned to see that Yu Xi Gu had just finished taking his medicine.

"Well least we don't have to try to find a way to tell them." Yu Xi Gu said.

"You got that right" Hao Ting chuckled.

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