Author's Note

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Well hello there....welcome to book two of Men Can't Get Pregnant the series. Before you get started there are a few things I want to say.

First, I am doing things a little different then the first book like changing some of the titles or doing fan made videos in one section (I recommend watching them) gif or picture in another. Also for things like the gender reveal I have tried to do it with something that has meaning for the couple.

Second, I have already picked out the genders, three boy and three girls. No twins in this one. I would love to have you guess which couple will get what. I get a kick out of reading them.

Third, I have already picked the names and I tried really hard to give them names that has something to do with their relationship or something like that

Fourth, I have already got couples for the next book so there won't be any voting this time but I'm pretty sure you will be happy with my selection. I will probably post it either right before the babies are born or after they are born in this book.

Fifth, I have decided that for Intouch and Korn story it's going to be in the modern day instead of when they original came from. Also their story never happened the way it actually did except for a few things that I won't talk about since I don't want to ruin the story. In Pharm and Dean story everything happened that happened in the show

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