Their Family and Friends Meet The Baby: Intouch and Korn

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"She really is the perfect blend of the both of you." Intouch's mother said as she held Marlow in her arms. Korn and Intouch's mother had just arrived about fifteen minutes ago after being told that Marlow was born. Alin and Ann would have arrived with them but Alin was in school and just barely got out. Saint and Krit would be here a little later wanting the newly grandmothers and aunt to have their moment with Marlow.

Marlow had taken to being transferred from her Papa's warm arms to the strange women not well. She really didn't like people interrupting her sleep by moving her around. She may look like her parents but Intouch swore she was like her Dad when it comes to sleep and temperament. He was definitely not a morning person and apparently he gave that trait to Marlow. After a few minutes of them holding her she did eventually settle down.

"She's absolutely beautiful" Korn's mother said wiping tears from her face with a tissue.

"Thank you, we are very much obsessed with her." Intouch said as a knock on the door interrupted the moment.

"Come in" Korn said. The door opened to reveal Ann and a very excited Alin.

"You have no idea how excited Alin is to meet Marlow." Ann said.

"I think we have a pretty good idea." Intouch said as he watch Alin stare at her grandmother who held the object she so wanted to see.

"If you wash your hands and sit in that chair right there you can hold her." Intouch's mother said. Ann lead Alin into the private bathroom and helped her wash her hands. They came out a few minutes later and Alin immediately made a beeline for the chair in question. They all chuckled before Intouch's mother moved over to her to transfer Marlow into her cousin's arms. Ann helped teach her how to hold her and to keep her head elevated. Alin immediately caught onto it and was fascinated with her new baby cousin.

"I think Alin just found her new best friend." Korn said.

"I think so" Ann said smiling down at the two cousins. After a few minutes it was Ann's turn and she was thrilled about it.

"How was the delivery?" Ann asked Intouch.

"Didn't go as planned but I am glad she is okay and healthy."

"I'm glad you guys are alright." Ann said. They all talked and hung out with the new parents and Marlow till it was time to go. Alin threw the biggest fit because she wanted to take Marlow with her, Ann had to explain that the baby is not hers and that she has to stay with her parents. She did promise that she would see Marlow again soon which calmed her down enough to say her goodbyes and leave. Their parents kiss their cheeks before saying their goodbyes before leaving.

Intouch looked down at Marlow to see had woken up due to the commotion and slowly started to rock her back to sleep. A knock on the door shattered that idea, Marlow decided that she was more interested in being awake now. Intouch told whoever it was to come in and the door opened to reveal Saint and Krit with a pink teddy.

"How is my favorite cousin?" Saint asked.

"You are lucky Ann left about ten minutes ago so she didn't hear that major lie." Intouch chuckled.

"Not a lie, you are my favorite male cousin."

"I'm your only male cousin." Intouch said.

"Yes but it's still true" Saint said before setting the teddy bear on a table next to the bed.

"Thanks for the bear" Korn said.

"You're welcome, now let me wash my hands so I can hold that baby." Krit said.

"Wait just a dang minute, I'm holding her first." Saint said before following Krit into the private bathroom. Korn chuckled before he looked down at the two most important people in his life. Marlow had opened a whole other area in his heart and filled it with so much unconditional love and protectiveness. He would do anything for his little girl including die for her.

"Okay let's see that baby" Saint said.

"Me first" Krit said.

"I took a bullet for them so I should go first." Saint said.

"That's low even for you." Krit said.

"Enough, Saint come take Marlow or I will let Krit go first." Korn said. Saint took Marlow gently from Intouch before looking down at her.

"She is so beautiful, I know you probably heard this to much but she does look like the perfect blend of you guys." Saint said. Krit moved to get a good look at her then smiled when he realized she did look a lot like both of them. She was staring at them probably wondering who the two crazy guys were.

"Hello Marlow, I'm your Uncle Saint, this crazy guy is your Uncle Krit." He said.

"You married this crazy guy so that makes you even more crazy." Krit said making Saint roll his eyes. Five minutes go by and Krit finally told Saint to stop hogging the baby, before he took her.

"Now that you are here we would like to ask you guys a question." Korn said.

"What's up?" Saint said.

"We wanted to know if you would be Marlow's godparents." Intouch said. Saint and Krit looked at each other before looking back at them with a smile.

"We would love too." Krit said before looking down at Marlow. "Don't worry princess, your uncles will protect you with our lives."

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