First Smiles, First Laughs and Being Naughty: Hao Ting and Yu Shigu

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So if you haven't noticed I changed the way Yu Shigu was spelled, I kept seeing more of this (Yu Xi Gu) way to spell it than the other way. If it's not the correct way then let me know please.

Hao Ting smiled at his son who just stared at him, Hao Ting sighed in disappointment at his failed attempt at to get his son to smile. Both of his parents tried to get him to smile but Leo was adamant that he didn't want to show any type of emotion. Hao Ting finished changing him before picking up him to take him downstairs where Yu Shi Gu was waiting to feed him before they put him in his costume for the Halloween party, Zhi Gang and Sun Bo was throwing at their house.

Yu Xi Gu had bought all of the outfits without him, he wasn't thrilled about who he got stuck with but his husband was cute so he he let it go, not without complaint that he would get laughed at the moment he stepped through the door of their friend's house. Yu Xi Gu was to be Cogsworth while he was stuck being Lumiere, Leo was to be a really cute version of the Beast.

After Leo finished his bottle, Hao Ting set the bottle in the bottle holder before he took him downstairs to get put in his costume. Yu Xi Gu smiled when he saw them and eagerly took Leo and a kiss from him. He smiled down at his fiance, they were to married

"You should go change, I will change after you." Yu Xi Gu said. Hao Ting groaned before heading back upstairs. Once his costume was on, he went back downstairs to get Yu Xi Gu to zip it up since the zipper was on the back of the costume.

"You look so cute" Yu Xi Gu said when he saw him. Hao Ting pouted before asking.

"Do I really have to go in this, can't I go as Gaston?"

"No, you are not a villain and I already bought the costume, now turn around so I can zip you up." Hao Ting pouted again but did what he was told.

"I look ridiculous" he said.

"Stop it, you look cute"

"Says the guy whose outfit is actually cute, this costume just makes me look like a bright yellow banana." He said.

"You're a candle stick not a banana" Hao Ting turned around once Yu Xi Gu was finished zipping him up.

"I don't want to go"

"Too bad, we are going, so stop pouting." Yu Xi Gu said before picking up their son who was in his costume and looking so cute. He gave him Leo before heading upstairs to get into his costume.

"You're Papa is a cruel man, I'm going to be teased till I die about this." He said. Leo just stared at him before sucking on his binky Yu Xi Gu gave him.

A little while later all dressed up, they walked up to Zhi Gang and Sun Bo's door and rang the door bell. Batman opened it and immediately started to laugh, making them realize it was Sun Bo.

"I'm going home" Hao Ting said before turning to leave. Yu Xi Gu adjusted Leo in his arms before grabbing Hao Ting's arm to stop him. Hao Ting sighed in annoyance before joining his fiance as he walked into the house. All of their friends took one look at Hao Ting's costume and laughed and laughed.

"Oh shut up, I didn't get to pick my costume!!" Hao Ting yelled.

"I think he looks cute so shut it." Yu Xi Gu said glaring at them. They all cut off their laughter before they all began talking about other things. Zhi Gang, who was dressed up as Batman's sidekick Robin.

"I always knew Robin had a thing for Batman, do you wear that costume in bed?" Hao Ting asked making Yu Xi Gu elbow him in the ribs.

"Ha ha very funny" Zhi Gang said before taking Leo from his Papa. "Well aren't you a handsome beast."

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