Their Friends Meet The Baby: Knock and Korn

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Knock smiled down at his daughter as he fed her. The last few hours with her were amazing, River hardly cried cause she was more interested in her parents or sleeping. The doctor told them that was normal and some babies are calmer than others. Knock never knew this type of love before and looking down at the precious baby in his arms he knew that this love would grow and grow and never stop.

Knock looked up when he heard Korn sigh in his sleep before moving around in the chair by the bed. Korn had been amazing with River, he's changed diapers and hasn't complained one, he didn't even care when she peed on him when he didn't change her fast enough. They took turns feeding her and changing her and watching her while the other slept. Knock of course had to have help with some things because he was healing but it was worth it because watching his daughter was his new favorite thing.

He loved her little yawns and sneezes and her cute snores. He loved everything about her and the more he spent time with her the more he fell in love with her. He couldn't wait to introduce her to his friends, speaking of their friends they should be coming throughout the day, Bright and Farm should be here in a few twenty minutes, followed by Cho and Yihwa shortly after, then Fai and Sky were to arrive after them.

Most of that probably won't happen since they have been getting texts and calls from their friends saying they were getting impatient to see River. Korn thinks they will all descend on them like a pack of hyenas even though they were told not to come in a group so that Knock and the baby wouldn't get overwhelmed. Knock agreed with him but told Korn that they would have to behave and wait their turn, that right there made them both laugh knowing that probably won't happen. Their friends were ruthless when it comes to something they want.

"Don't worry River, Papa won't those hyenas get you." He said watching his daughter finish her bottle. He set the bottle aside and moved her onto his shoulder to burp her. After he burped her he put her back in her original position and watched her watch him. A knock on the door made Korn wake up and Knock look up from the baby.

"Come in" Korn said. The door opened and in walked Bright and Farm.

"Did you guys come alone or are the hyenas out there waiting for their turn to strike?" Knock said making Bright chuckle.

"We came alone but it was a fight to get here." Bright said.

"What happened?" Korn asked.

"Yihwa and Fai weren't happy that we got to go first just because we're cousins." Bright said.

"They weren't happy was an understatement, they were down right pissed and would have beat the crap out of Bright if their husbands weren't holding them back, it was actually freaking hilarious." Farm chuckled.

"You wouldn't be laughing if it were you." Bright said.

"Knock it of you two and come and meet my daughter." Knock said. Bright and Farm's faces lit up at the mention of River. They walked over to Knock's bed and got their first look at River.

"Hello River, I'm your Papa's friend, Farm and this is Bright and he's your Papa's cousin." Farm said smiling down at a very calm River.

"She definitely looks like you guys." Bright said before moving away from the bed and heading to thw private bathroom on the other side of the room.  When he came back from washing his hands Farm went to wash his while Knock reluctantly handed River over to his cousin.

"Congratulations" Bright said to them while looking down at River.

"Thanks, we are so glad that she's finally here." Korn said.

"Definitely glad, being pregnant is hard but worth it." Knock said. Farm came out and Bright transferred her into his arms while also showing him how to hold her. Korn made Farm sit down not because he didn't trust him but that he was super protective of his daughter. He had only known her for a few hours but the urge to protect her was so strong that he would die for her.

A knock on the door interrupted the moment and before anyone could say anything the door opened and in walked Fai and Yihwa followed by their two annoyed husbands.

"You really couldn't wait another five minutes till it was our turn could you?" Cho said.

"This is my first godchild and I will not wait another second to see her." Yihwa said.

"Don't upset my daughter or you will be the one to calm her down." Knock said.

"Can I see her now?" Yihwa asked.

"I just got her!!" Farm said before quickly looking down at River to make sure he didn't scare her with his outburst. He relaxed when he saw that she was just watching him calmly.

"Yihwa, you have four more minutes till you can hold her so why don't you guys go wash your hands while you wait." Korn said making Yihwa sigh in defeat. She follow Cho, Fai and Sky into the private bathroom to wash her hands. Knock sighed all ready to push these guys out and take a nap.

"You okay?" Korn asked.

"Yeah, just tired and ready for a nap."

"Don't worry, they will be gone soon and then we can just be alone with our daughter again." Korn said.

"Sounds perfect" Knock said as their friends came out of the bathroom. Four minutes were up and Farm reluctantly handed River over to Yihwa. Yihwa smiled so hard that Knock thought it would stay there permanently.

"She's so beautiful and she looks just like you guys." Yihwa said with tears in her eyes. Cho put an arm around his wife in comfort while he looked down at River with a smile.

"Don't worry about anything little one, your godparents will be here for you always." Cho said. Knock and Korn watched Cho get a turn to hold River for a few minutes before Fai started to complain that it was her turn. Cho transferred River over to Fai who say down in the chair that Farm had been sitting in when he was holding River.

"I don't want to break her but I just want to give her hugs and kisses." Fai said.

"Just be careful, she won't break." Knock said.

"You should have seen her on the way here, she was a bundle of nerves." Sky said.

"What do you mean?" Cho said. "She hardly said anything the whole car ride here?"

"Why do you think she was quite?" Sky said. "She was nervous and overthinking things."

"He's right" Fai said.

"Okay Fai, give Sky a turn so you can all go home, Knock needs and nap and would like to do that in without you guys" Korn said. Fai let Sky hold her for a bit till River had had enough off being held by stranger and started fussing. Sky gave her to her Dad before they all said their goodbyes and congratulations then left. Korn settled down a fuss River before looking over to see Knock already asleep. He smiled before moving to River's bassinet and placing her in it, he grabbed her pacifier and put it up to her lips, she took it and sucked on it while she slowly fell asleep.

Korn smiled down at his whole world before looking up at whole universe. Knock had given him everything he could have ever wanted and right now he couldn't asked for anything better.

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