Their Friends Meet The Baby: Zon and Saifah

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Saifah picked up his fussy son so he could feed him his formula. The past day with him has been wonderful, Shiloh has been a real chill baby. He even let Zon get the sleep he definitely needed and deserved, mostly cause Saifah helped with the baby a lot during the night so he could.

As he fed his son he thought about how Shiloh will react to Tutor and Fighter. They were coming over soon and from what he heard from Zon, were very excited to meet their godchild. They better not upset his son or else they would have him to deal with. Shiloh was doing great and passed his tests with flying colors and they were told they could go home tomorrow morning.

"Shh Shiloh, it's okay" Saifah said as he tried to calm while burping him.

"Is he okay?" Zon asked in a groggy voice.

"Yeah, he's got a big burp coming on." Saifah said before Shiloh let out a big burp and spit up a little on his spit up rag. Saifah smiled and looked over at his husband.

"I am so glad we decided to get those spit up rags." He said making Zon chuckle then wince.

"Sorry.." he said moving Shiloh off his shoulder and cradling him in his arms.

"It's fine, I forgot for a second that I was cut up last night."

"Are you in pain?" He asked. "Do you want me to get someone to bring you pain medication?"

"I'm fine babe, just need to be more careful." Zon said. Saifah nodded then realized that Shiloh had gone quiet, he looked down to see that Shiloh had fallen asleep. He smiled and leaned his head down to kiss Shiloh's head.

"Sweet dreams little man, your daddies love you so much."

"I think that's the sweetest thing I have ever heard you say." A familiar voice said from the door way. Saifah looked over to the two people that weren't supposed to be here for another twenty minutes.

"Does no one listen when we talk or do you guys just choose to ignore it?" Saifah said.

"Give it up babe, Shiloh is our first baby and they are just excited to finally meet him." Zon said making Saifah sigh. Tutor pulls Fighter into the private bathroom to wash their hands so they could hold him.

"You are going to have such an interesting life with these to knuckleheads as your godparents." Saifah said to Shiloh.

"You better believe it, we are going to spoil him." Tutor said coming out of the bathroom followed by Fighter.

"Don't spoil him to much, we want to teach him to work hard for things he wants and to never lean on someone to help you with all your problems." Zon said.

"That's your job, our job is to spoil him rotten." Tutor said moving over to Saifah. Saifah lifted his son high into the air.

"He just went down for his nap, you wake him up, you get to deal with the consequences understand?"

"Saifah, put him down this isn't the Lion King." Zon said. Saifah gave Tutor one last look before slowly lowering Shiloh back down, placing him in Tutor's arm. The awkward exchange made Shiloh wake up, he fussed a bit but then chilled out and started looking at the person holding him.

"Hello Shiloh, I'm Tutor, one of your godfathers." He said. Fighter moved to stand next to him so he could get a look at him.

"I'm Fighter, I'm the other godfather." Shiloh just stared at them probably wondering who the heck they were. After a few minutes, Tutor passed him to Fighter so he could have a chance. For some reason Fighter was a natural at holding babies. He found just the right spot in his arms that after a minute Shiloh was out cold.

"Of course Mr. Perfect can get him to go to sleep, I bet you will end up being his favorite." Tutor said.

"Don't worry babe, you will always be my favorite." Fighter said before leaning over and kissing him.

"So cheesy" Tutor said with a small blush forming on his cheeks. Fighter chuckled before he looked down at Shiloh.

"I wouldn't mind having a little one of our own." Fighter said.

"You want a kid?" Three separate voices  said. Fighter looked up and glared at them.

"Is it so wrong for me to want to have a kid!!" He said.

"No, it's just you never said anything about wanting children." Tutor said.

"I do want children, not right now but sometime in the future."

"That's good to know." Tutor said.

"Okay can I have my son back? I hardly got to hold him all day cause I was resting." Zon said. Fighter moved over to the hospital bed and set Shiloh in his Dad's arms.

"Oh by the way.." Tutor said before turning and heading towards the door where a bag Saifah hadn't notice was. He picked it up and brought it over to him.

"This is just a little something to say congratulations." He said. Saifah reached into the bag and pulled up a blue teddy bear that was holding a heart that had Shiloh's name on it.

"Thank you, it's really cute." Saifah said before showing Zon.

"It's so cute, I think he will love it."

"We wanted him to have something personal from us." Fighter said.

"Thank you, we appreciate it" Zon said.

"You're welcome, we have to get going we still have to visit Jason and Benny." Tutor said.

"Tell them we said hello and to send more pictures of Faith." Zon said.

"Will do" Fighter said before they left. Saifah went over to the couch and sat down.

"Finally some peace and quiet." Saifah said.

"Oh shut it, I know you were excited for them to see Shiloh and for them to stay a little longer."

"You can never prove it my sexy husband."

"I am not sexy right now." Zon said.

"Yes you are, in fact this is has got to be the second sexiest looks you have ever had."

"What's the first?"

"When you came walking down the aisle in a tux at our wedding." Good god that man knew how to sweet talk.

Well hello....I know what you guys are thinking, where the heck have you been Alysia...well..working and being lazy. I have been writing chapters just not the ones I needed to be working on. Anyway, here's the chapter ZonxSaifah fans have been waiting for...enjoy

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