First Crushes: Hao Ting and Yu Shigu

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Things for the Xiang family have been up and down, through what happened at the grocery store with the prejudice couple to Yu Shigu's health scare when he got Covid and had to quarantine away from his family, to the kids moving up grades

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Things for the Xiang family have been up and down, through what happened at the grocery store with the prejudice couple to Yu Shigu's health scare when he got Covid and had to quarantine away from his family, to the kids moving up grades. Through all that they stayed strong as a family and kept a positive attitude.

The kids were getting so big all the time and for their parents it was both a sad and joyous thing. One of the things that made them so sad was how Leo went from this wild, adventurous, carefree young boy to this shy kid with the weight on his shoulders. Those assholes stole his innocence, the part of him that believed that everyone was a nice person and the world was a magical place.

They tried getting him into therapy and it worked to help him through trauma. He also had separation anxiety which was hard to deal with when they had to leave him at school. For the first few months, Leo threw a fit when they tried to leave him in preschool but after awhile he realized that no one here was going to hurt him and he would see his parents when he was done with school for the day.

His separation anxiety is gone now but him being a quiet and reserved person stayed. He would talk to them and his sister but in school or in public he wouldn't talk. They were really thankful for Boss and Nuna, they were Leo's best friends. They met when they were in first grade, Boss and Nuna were already friends before they met Leo. From what the teacher said, they took one look at a shy Leo and decided he was going to be their new friend.

They worked on getting him to talk to them and get him to be more social. They only succeeded in getting him to say a few words to them. He was never going to be a social butterfly. Boss and Nuna stuck with him and he's better for it. Another person who stuck with him was Sunshine, since she was too little to understand what had happened that day, she went on to be just like before. She was the sunshine they needed to help relieve the trauma that happened. She and her brother looked like a mixture of their parents but completely different personalities.

Hao Ting smiled as Lucky tried again to pull him away from his parents. After all these years Lucky still hated sharing him with them, Jumbo and Delilah put up with it so it was fine. Jumbo was cancer free now and Delilah still hated everyone but him.

"Hey Mr. Xiang!!" A familiar voice said from the visitor's fence. He looked up to see Leo, Boss, Nuna and their other class mates. Nuna was waving like a lunatic, he knew she had a crush on him but he would brush it off. Leo waved before Hao Ting moved closer to the platform that they do shows to explain things about elephant. They were here on a field trip

"Hello kids, I'm Hao Ting, Leo's dad and I'm here to talk to you about elephant." He said as Delilah came up to him on the large platform.

"This is Delilah, she's fourty five years old and as you can see from her try to take me away that they are very protective." Hao Ting said as he pushed Delilah's trunk away. He told them all about elephants and a little about the elephants that were here.

After that the kids moved on and Hao Ting finished his chores before heading out to meet his son for lunch. He made it to the public lunch area only to be greeted to a little boy asking Leo if he would like to go see a movie with him on Saturday. This boy had black eyes, slender nose, plump lips and big ears.

He knew his son was gay, he had a conversation with Leo when he Leo asked what was being gay like. He told him and Leo said he feels the same way about boys that Hao Ting felt about Yu Shigu. He didn't care if his son was gay, he did care that he was only ten years old and already being asked out. He wouldn't stand in his way if Leo decided to accept the movie date since it was just young love and who knows if it will last.

He watched as his son just nodded his head and blushed. He was going to have to tell Yu Shigu who was far more strict about dating than he was.

Later that day at home, Hao Ting went into the kitchen where his husband was making dinner and told him what happened. Yu Shigu told him that he didn't want Leo to go but Hao Ting put his foot down and said that he wouldn't be the one to break his son's heart and that it was just a movie night. He ended up winning that argument.

The next day after school, Yu Shigu took Leo and his date Max to the movies. They watched a ninja movie and loved ever second of it. After that he took them to McDonald's to get some food before he drove Max home.

A few days later, Max asked Leo to be his boyfriend and to the disappointment of his parents Leo said yes.

I really didn't know what to do for this one I'm sorry bit i promise theor next chapter will be better

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