Truth Or Dare With The Signficant Other: Leo POV

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Leo wasn't the sort of guy that liked to be out in public, he much preferred to be at home working on his robot project for school. He preferred being around machines then people that weren't his family. He was just a sixteen years old introvert who had his heart broken on his 11th birthday when his boyfriend of almost a year broke up with him for no reason. He hadn't put himself out there since to his best friends disappointment.

Boss and Nuna were still his best friends who dragged him literally by his ear out of the house when they knew he was too deep into a project. Each time he would shut down in public and stay with them wherever they went. They did leave him alone some days but other days like for parties or game nights they forced him out of his room.

His family did the same thing, they made him come watch a movie or go out with them. Sunshine also dragged him to the mall with her friends or out to the arcade. He sometimes was able to escape their attempts but other times he wasn't so lucky. Like tonight, Boss's cousin was a senior in highschool and was celebrating his birthday at his friend's mansion. Boss had been invited and had gotten invitations for him and Nuna as well.

He had told Boss that he didn't want to go but Boss bribed him with five hundred dollar gift card to his favorite store. He reluctantly agreed to go under the condition that for the next two weeks there would be no outings. Now he was stuck going to a party where he knew no one but his friends.

He closed his locker and headed to his math class. Half way there he saw him. He was seventeen year old Archie Duncan, he was the son of a billionaire from the states and the hottest guy in school. He had moved to Taiwan when Leo was sixth grade and instantly became a hit for with the ladies and even some men including Leo. His crush was more of a secret than everyone, he didn't even think Archie knew who he was or that he even existed. Hell, it wasn't even a crush anymore, he was completely in love with the guy.

His family moved here to set up one of their companies here and had been here ever since. He hoped he never goes back to the states. Archie had light brown hair and piercing blue eyes that could stare into your soul, a cute upturned nose and plump lips. He always fashionable clothes and from what he had heard he was bisexual. Even if it was true Leo knew he didn't have a chance with him. Even if he was told he was cute with his just below the tip of the ears black hair, his cute black eyes, his slim nose and thin lips, he was just too shy to even approach him.

He quickly hid behind a pillar till he passed before quickly making his way to his last class of the day. After school he made a bee line for his car, trying to avoid his friends who would insist on coming with him to help him get ready for the party. He made that mistake one time and they had him in clothes that so not him. He likes comfort fashion with dark colors.

He made it to his car and as he got in he heard his name being called. He knew it was Nuna and ignored it as he closed his door, started the engine a drove home. Once he got home he parked his car in front of the house before getting out and quickly heading inside.

"Leo" His Papa said. He made his way to where he heard his Papa's voice to find him in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hey Papa"

"Hey, can you go get your sister, I have been calling her for ten minutes and I think she has her headphones on." He said. Leo turned and left the room before heading for the stairs.

He climbed them up to the second for before turning right and heading down the hall to his sister's room. He knocked on the door but got no answer so he opened the door. Sunshine was at her desk doing her homework with her headphones on. He went over and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. She took them off and looked at him.

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