I'm Pregnant: Knock and Korn

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Korn yawned as he left his work building and headed to his car. It had been a long day and he missed Knock all through it. Things were going well for them with trying to adopt and also talking about redecorating their house. He knew that Knock was nervous about becoming a dad but he promised him that he wouldn't be alone in this.

He got in his car and checked his phone to find he had missed a call from an unknown number and they left a voicemail. He listened to the message and his eyes widened at hearing that Knock had been in a car accident but wasn't seriously hurt and that he ran away from the hospital. He drove home hoping that Knock would be there and tell him why he ran from the hospital. He got there and parked the car in the driveway and quickly got out before heading inside.

"Knock!!!" He yelled as he ran through the first floor. He yelled it again as he went upstairs and locked through the rooms. He got to their room and saw that some of Knock's clothes were missing as was his travel bag. He then noticed the letter on the desk and quickly picked it up.


I need some time to think about somethings.

Love, Knock

What they heck was going on? What did he need to think about that he had to run away from him to do it? Was it the adoption? Did he not want to do it anymore? Korn sat down on the bed and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees before putting his head in his hands. This was his fault, he shouldn't have pushed Knock into it cause he clearly wasn't ready to have kids. They were both in their mid-twenties and had some time to be parents later. If Knock wasn't ready then they were not adopting right now until they were ready.

He needed to find Knock and tell him that he loved him and that if he wasn't ready to be a parent then he would wait until they were. He stood and pulled out his phone and called Knock. No answer. He then tried their friends and they haven't heard from Knock since a week ago, he then tried Knock's mother.

"Hello" she said.

"Hey, you haven't seen Knock have you?" He said then told her what had with Knock. She sighed then it sounded like she shut a door then spoke.

"He's here but he won't come out of his room and won't tell us what is wrong only that he got into a car accident and that they told him something he needs to think about."

"I'm coming over there" he said before hanging up not giving her a chance to tell him no. He ran out of the room and down the hall before heading downstairs and out of the house. He ran to his car and jumped inside before pulling out of the driveway and driving the three hours to Knock's parent's river house. He parked the car in the driveway before he headed to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited till Knock's mother answered the door and let him in.

"Has he left his room yet?" He asked.

"No" She said.

"What is going on with him?" Knock's dad asked.

"I think it's about him not being ready to adopt a kid." He said.

"Please try to get him to come out and talk to us." She said.

"I'll try" he said before heading upstairs. He got to Knock's room and found it locked.

"Whoever it is go away I want to be left alone." Knock said.

"Babe, it's me, unlock the door and let me in so we can talk." Korn said.

"Go away"

"No, not now not ever so open the door and talk to me." He said. "If you are not ready to adopt then we can forget about it till we are ready and we can just be us till then."

"I don't think we can adopt right now." Knock said.

"Okay then we won't so open the door and let me in so I can make sure you are okay." He said. "The hospital called me but I missed the call and they left a voicemail telling me that you were in a car accident and weren't serious hurt but that you ran away."

"They didn't tell you that I'm a freak." He said.

"Why would they call you a freak?" Korn asked. Silence was all he heard as he waited for an answer before a few minutes later he heard Knock unlock the door before he opened it. Korn finally got to look at his husband, he had a bandage wrapped around his head and he had tears running down his face.

"Baby.." Korn said before pulling him in for a hug. Knock broke down in his arms as Korn walked them both into the room and shut the door.

"I'm a freak" he said into Korn's neck.

"What's going on that you think you are a freak?" Korn asked.


"What did you say I can't understand you?" Knock pulled away and looked him straight in the eye before saying two words that changed his whole life.

"I'm pregnant"

"You are pregnant?" Korn said shocked. Knocked nodded before going to sit down on his bed. He did the same thing Korn did back at their house when he sat down on the bed with his elbows on his knees and head in his hands.

"I can't believe this is happening to me." He cried into his hands.

"How did this happen?" Korn said in disbelief. Knock's head shot up and he glared at him.

"How do you think this happened?" He said. "We had sex, you stuck your dick in my ass and apparently when you came inside me I got pregnant."

"I mean you're a guy and guys-" he said but then was cut off.

"You don't think I know that?" He said. "I have a disorder called Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome which means I have regular male reproductive organs but I also have a fallopian tube and uterus attached to my rectum so when you came inside me I got pregnant."

"You're two weeks pregnant?"

"Yes" he said before putting his head in his hands again. "I don't know what to do, I don't know if I can have this baby." That snapped Korn out of his shock. He moved so he was kneeling in front of Knock.

"You can have this baby" Korn said making Knock lift his head to look at him. "Listen, I know you are going through a lot right now but think about it, we are having a biological baby, what gay couple can say that without having a surrogate?"

"It's rare" Knock said.

"It is so let's have this baby and raise it to be an opened mind amazing human being and don't worry about what people will say cause they don't matter, we are the only ones that matter and we'll matter to this baby."

"You really think we can do this?"

"Hell yeah, it's you and I, always and forever." Knock smiled a little before reaching out and cupping Korn's face before leaning in and kissing him

"Let's do it then" Knock said against Korn's mouth making Korn smile.

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