Chapter 129: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part IV): The Battle Was Lost

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Cyn: Erica and Jordin get up and get dress.

E/J: Leave us alone and get out.

Cyn: No now get up.




*They got up, got in the shower and got dress. Cyn told them to get in the car. Once they were in the car it was so silent and the anger was so thick you could slice it with a knife. They got to the headstone where Lito is gonna be buried. Erica and Jordin was trying to figure out why they were there.*

Erica: Why are we here Cynthia?

Cyn: Cause y'all two has been lashing out at your children. Key and I could take the lashing out but when you tell your three year old child to get out and leave you alone then you have a problem.

Jordin: What does that have to do with bringing us here?

Cyn: Because you are mad just at the wrong person.

E/J: *tears falling* No we aren't.

Cyn: Yes you are. I want my wife and sister back but until you get what's on your chest off I can't help y'all. *voice breaking* Yell at him tell him how mad you are. When my brother died I was mad at him for leaving me here. *crying* I yelled at him and I hated him for leaving me. Tell him how you feel. *pointing to the stone* Tell him.

Erica: HOW DARE YOU? *running to the stone hitting it and crying* How dare you leave me? Why didn't you tell me that you were like this?

Jordin: *hitting the stone and crying* We could've helped but instead you lied to us. You said you was gonna fight but you didn't.

Erica: How are we suppose to go on without you? What are we suppose to do now?

Jordin: We never got a chance to say goodbye.

Cyn: *kneeling in front of Erica and Jordin*

Erica: *crying* What are we suppose to do now?

Jordin: *crying* We're so lost.

Cyn: *wiping their faces* You aren't lost babies you're grieving. Your family is here for you but you can't push us away. You need us just as much as we need you. Let's get up.

Erica: *pulling Cyn down* Not yet. Can you sit here and hold us right quick?

Cyn: Sure. *sitting down between them*

E/J: Thank you Cynthia.

Cyn: *kissing the top of their heads, holding them close* You're welcome.

*After about fifteen mins, of them crying on Cyn, they got up and went back to the house. Erica's kids was standing their with tears in their eyes. They wanted Erica to just hold them like she used too.*

Jas: Mommy are you ok now?

Erica: *kneeling* I'm fine. Come here babies. *holding her arms out* I'm sorry I was so mean.

*All eight of them ran into her arms and hugged her tight. That embrace is what she needed the most. Spike and Zy ran to Jordin and hugged her tight and she needed that embrace also. They pulled them to the couch and sat on them talking to them about what has happened. Key was in tears and just walked up to Cyn and hugged her tight.*

Key: Thank you so much. I thought I would never see her smile again.

Cyn: *hugging him* You're welcome bro. I couldn't have that happen. They are everything to us so I had to fix it.

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn Santanaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें