Chapter 140: Saving Jordin (Part 1): Saint Josh

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   What should I do? I'm just standing here shaking after I dropped the phone. What is going on with my sister? Should I call Erica now? Maybe I'll call and see if she answers. I called Erica and no answer so I guess that's God's way of telling me to leave her be. Let me call Albee then.

Albee: Hey sis what's up?

Cyn: *still in shock* Ar-Are you n-near Erica?

Albee: Yea do you wanna talk to her?

Cyn: Not yet. Go somewhere by yourself fast.

Albee: I'll be back y'all. What's going on Cyn?

Cyn: *crying* Jordin has been kidnapped.

Albee: What? Stop playing Cyn it's too early for this.

Cyn: THIS IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE. She called me while she was running and then she said she was in the boondocks. Next thing I know the line went dead. *crying* Where is my sister Albee?

Albee: Aw shit Mena is about to spazz on everyone.

Cyn: Wait before you tell her just get her home first.

Albee: Ok. I'll try to get her there by tomorrow but she's gonna know something is wrong.

Cyn: If she asks you what's wrong just tell her to call me cause I called you asking for her to come home.

Albee: I got you. Don't worry sis we are gonna find her.

Cyn: I have no doubt about it.


   I hung up with Albee then called my main crew to the house. I need this to go smooth so I have to make a plan. I called my mom and asked her could she watch the kids for me cause this is important. As soon as I got off the phone with her Key called me looking for J. I told him to come to the house but leave the kids with Mama Sonia. He said alright and he will be here in an hour. Less than two hours I had everyone at my house even Raf and Mary came they left the kids with Ma. Now it's time for a plan so I took everyone to the basement.

Cyn: Listen up cause this is very important. We have five days to get my sister back.

Key: What you mean back? Where is my wife Cynthia?

Cyn: *walking to Key* I'm sorry bro but she got kidnapped.

Key: What? *tearing up* No. This can't be happening she's my everything. *crying* We are suppose to get married soon. Why is this happening?

Cyn: I'm sorry. We are gonna get her back just trust me. Go have a seat. Like I was saying their are no rooms for mistakes here and I know some of yall are amateurs. If you feel like you can't do this leave now there will be no hard feelings. *nobody left* Alright then let me tell you your jobs....


    I was in the boondocks at my friend's house. I was getting in my car when I heard a noise behind me. I couldn't believe what I saw. He had the nerve to follow me here. He walked up on me and I slapped him and ran. I called Cyn and told her I was in the boondocks but I didn't get a chance to tell her who was following me cause I got hit in the head. Next I woke up to what looks like a dungeon and I'm handcuffed to the wall. I see two guys well boys I haven't seen before with guns on their side playing cards. They look like they can't be no older than 24. They looked over cause they saw me waking up.

Boy1: Well well look who decided to finally get up.

Boy2: Do you need something to drink?

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