Chapter 128: The Menas in Puerto Rico (Part III): Turn of Events... Sneak Peek

Start from the beginning

Erica: Where have y'all been?

King: On a date.

Erica: Its 12:30am and y'all are just getting in here.

MJ: That's the time Mama gave us.

Erica: I didn't approve of that time. Didn't I tell y'all to keep y'all lips to yourselves?

K/C: Yes ma'am.

Erica: *grabbing King and Carter by the back of their necks* Y'all boys need to learn to listen.

*When Erica did that MJ and Jade ran to the guest house to get Cyn.*

MJ: *shaking Cyn* Mama get up!

Cyn: *jumping up* What MJ?

MJ: We got home from our date and Mommy was waiting for us in the living room. She has Carter and King by the neck.

Cyn: Shit! *running to the house* Erica! *grabbing Erica by the back of her neck*

Erica: Owwwwww Cyn let go.

King: Ow Ow Ow. Let her go Mama she's tighten her grip on us.

Cyn: Erica Mena let them go before I fuck you up.

Erica: *letting them go* Ok baby let me go please.

Cyn: No let's go. Kids go to bed and we will see y'all in the morning.

Kids: Yes ma'am.

Cyn: *taking Erica to the room*

Erica: *eyes watering* Please let me go its starting to hurt.

Cyn: *letting her go* What the fuck is wrong with you? We will talk about this in the morning. Lay your ass down before I knock your ass out.

Erica: *whining* But Cynthia I...


Erica: *holding her head down* Yes ma'am. *getting in the bed*

*Cyn got in the bed and turned her back to Erica. She was pissed off that Erica was acting like that. Erica tried to cuddle with Cyn but Cyn was steaming so pushed Erica away. Erica was really sorry she just let Eiken get the best of her but she didn't want Cyn to be mad at her. Erica got up and was walking to the living room.*

Cyn: Where are you going?

Erica: *still looking down so Cyn won't see she was crying* Don't worry about it Cynthia just go back to bed. *walking out the room*

*Erica sat on the couch and Cyn walked in to see what's wrong with her.*

Cyn: *sitting beside her* Are you crying?

Erica: *looking away from Cyn* No. Go back to bed I'll be there in a min.

Cyn: *pulling Erica on her lap* Come here baby.

Erica: *straddling Cyn but not looking at her* What Cynthia?

Cyn: Look at me.

Erica: No.

Cyn: *turning Erica face to her* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry its just that you need to quit that bullshit. You and I both know what happens when your parents are hard on your relationship.

Erica: I be trying to control it but it's hard. Every time I see them kiss babies starts to flash before my eyes. Then when that happens I lose it.

Cyn: I understand that but you gotta learn how to control that cause if they start sneaking around and something happens they will be afraid to tell us about. I don't want them to be afraid to tell us something even if it is bad.

Cynica: The Love Story of Erica Mena & Cyn SantanaWhere stories live. Discover now