👑Both begins with a K!🌼

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Note: This is a revised chapter

"Is there someone you like...?"

A bold question, asked in a quiet tone close to a whisper.

A question especially reserved for the dishonest little mistress. The young lady's light green eyes brought to expand in size.

"We have returned safely, miss"

And all at the same time, neither of realized their arrival at home. The chauffeur opening the door, inadvertently disrupting the mood.

"Ah, alright. Thank you for telling" Momoko spoke. "Come on, girls. Let's go"

Thus they hopped off the vehicle. The soles of their uniformed maroon school loafers now rested upon the fancy stone ground of their grand home's front yard.

Taking a moment to settle, both Momoko and Miyako had their eyes laid on their grumpy sister.

A question they still held onto.

"Um, so..." Momoko gently began, taking small steps to see her green eyed sister's expression.

But before she could even lay a finger on her shoulder, the approached girl swiftly looked over to reveal an utterly unconcealed bitter expression.

The expression enough to have her sister retreat.

"I don't like anyone" She directly asserted, her voice loud and clear.

How quick it was all handled. However, Momoko didn't wish to surrender just yet. Thus an annoyed pout was brought upon her face as she whined "So what was that all about?"

"What was what?"

"The way you were talking earlier, it sounded as if you were confused on how to express feelings"

"It was for the assignment. It doesn't have anything to do with me"

"Well then why bother fussing over it? You could've just decide on making the whole thing up but it seems like you do want it to sound genuine somehow!"

"And? The more genuine it sounds the better the result, remember?"

"Oh, come on! Stop making it seem as if it's nothing! Wouldn't that mean you have those kind of feelings deep inside? For whom?"

"I don't have it, Momoko"

"Yes, you do!"

And so some kind of useless quarrel occurred...

It the midst of their childish argument, Miyako merely watched from the side, blinking owlishly at the natural sight.

Then again, she was more than just a random bystander. In her mind, she was just as immersed into situation as her sister Momoko is.

"Kaoru-chan" Thus she suddenly chimed in. "Do you perhaps need help in discovering whom to write of?"

A new question distributed by a different person Kaoru now had to deal with. Miyako's interference breaking up the petty fight that once came on.

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