👑Switched For A Day II 👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

Reminder since I'll be referring to the PunkZs by the surnames I gave:

Moriko Tsumiakazu: Berserk

Minako Ishiya: Brat

Kasumi Kawahara: Brute

Play the music when I tell you for better experience (maybe...)

Let's begin! ^^

"I wonder how Momoko-chan's doing?"

Pass the many students in the unfamiliar school hall, Miyako and Kaoru blended in considerably well.

Not only their modified appearance, but the relaxed impression they gave made it all seem natural.

Merely two students of this particular school simply making way to class, having a small chat.

Their eldest triplet however departed early for she stumbled upon her supposed classroom first.

Thus they now cannot help but discuss how it is for her.

"I suppose she's doing a great job" Miyako positively assumed. "She was very cautious of being exposed, after all"

"Overall, there mustn't be any concerns regarding her. Momoko-chan surely won't arouse suspicion!"

Raising an index finger, she expressed her pure trust along with a gentle smile.

In contrast to the blonde's optimistic sparks, Kaoru on the other hand was bluntly skeptical. Her aura being rather negative.

"You did notice how uptight Momoko has been, right?" a flat intonation as she asked.

Being met with that, Miyako's smile was swept away by an oblivious head tilt.


"Yeah, she's been contemplating all the way to this school. Not to mention how panicky she was during our arrival"

Whilst listening, Miyako tried to recall the clips of past moments, hoping to visualize Momoko's mentioned behaviour.

But instead, she thought of something else.

"Panicky? But wasn't it you who was mortified of realizing this school to be Nagasaki Junior High?"

It seem that the memory of Kaoru's questionable shocked reaction remained more prominent.

And she didn't hesitate to forwardly question.

"I still don't understand. Why were you so surprised, Kaoru-chan-"

"Don't talk about that! This isn't about me!"

But of course got cut off instantaneously.

Oh, if only she knew why...

(You know why, right? ^^)

Thus their subject reverted back quickly.

"Um, I suppose Momoko-chan did seem quite troubled earlier" Miyako recalled, eyes moved upward slightly.

"It seems she was overwhelmed with the fear of being caught"


The two then escalated to visualizing how stiff their dear sister was. Quiet and sturdy as a moving statue.

She obviously appeared intimidated. Unlike usual with her cheerful demeanor.

"Do you think perhaps she secretly refused to switch positions?" Miyako asked again.

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