👑Switched For a Day👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

It's been such a long time since I last updated, I hope you all still read this book :")

Anyways just for a reminder

Moriko: Berserk
Minako: Brat
Kasumi: Brute

Hayato: Brick
Keita: Butch

Enjoy this chapter~

"Do you guys always arrive at school this early?"

In their town, it's common for schools to begin at 7 in the morning.

Earlier when Momoko spotted Moriko's gang gawking at Hakurei, it was 5 minutes past 6.

In other words, the girls arrived at school earlier than most students.

"Yes, what about you? Do you always wander around before school starts?" Momoko having red highlights stuck to her hair, asked back.

"No, we all accidentally woke up early and decided to check Hakurei out" Moriko nervously chuckled.

"You know, our school is considerably far if went by foot from Hakurei"

Hearing that, Momoko just hummed.

The girls have been invited to Minako's house to have a little makeover.

They finally agreed to this risky Switched Day after all.

Minako being the makeup artist was responsible of modifying their looks. And thus was she was doing now.

"It's a good thing we're all early" she said whilst working. "That way we have lots of time to switch appearances"

Miyako sat on an available cushion.

Whilst being transformed into Minako, she observed the surroundings of Minako's bedroom.

Boyband posters were stuck on the walls along with certain clothing designs photos.

A shelf nearby stored records and many magazines.

"How interesting..." she thought.

Little did she know, this interesting room she's in was rather typical for teenagers her age.

"We're all done!"

The appearance swap's completion has been announced.

Navy pleated skirt that reached the knees, complemented with white socks.

A matching sailor collar attached to a clean white blouse, red tie around it.

Slightly oversized long sleeves, its white double-striped navy cuff covering half of a palm.

Thus the uniform the girls now wore. The uniforms of Moriko and her gang's school.

"You girls look just like us now!" Moriko clasped her hands in excitement. "It's like looking at a mirror"

Momoko couldn't help but blink her eyes owlishly.

"Yeah..." breath taken by the sight of Moriko ahead of her.

It was like seeing a clone of herself. It was like they've switched brains!

"I must say, these uniforms are verily comfortable" Miyako giggled. Her appearance resembling Minako...

The clock continued to tick on Minako's bedroom wall, of course at least one of them noticed it.

"Since you said your school's far, wouldn't it be best if we leave now?"

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