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Suggestion: Start the music when I tell you

"They say 21 is the age of freedom and independence..."

It was a cold yet bright night. Snow falling, having it color rooftops the color white.

The streets were bustling of people, heading in and out of stores. Lights and ornaments around implying the holiday season.

"And I couldn't agree more"

On a particular street that was relatively empty, a pair of light green eyes plainly gazed upfront. The eyes belonging to a young lady walking with nowhere to go.

Being it the end of the year, others would find her rather odd to feel relief of being alone.

Although not much is needed to be explained for it. "Freedom" is enough.

"Ever since July, I was finally permitted to wander around on my own"

Looking behind her shoulder, it was as if she imagined someone to trail behind her.

But knowing how nobody was there, brought a proud smile to her face.

It seems even after 5 months, she couldn't get over the idea of being freed from her parents' escorting policy.

Years she has been wanting to walk on her own, and thus now she is able.

The maids and butlers of her home who'd often give her a striking appearance. The uncomfortable attention she'd receive.

She'd feel no more.


Out of the blue, a certain establishment was caught from the corner of her eyes. Thus she had to pause in her tracks.

"Come to think of it..."

Memories returning. The establishment being a conventional Junior High School with a plat attached to its snow covered boundary wall.

The school without a securing gate, just the gap between two short walls as its main entrance.

From outside, by standing on the sidewalk across it, she could tell the insides of it. A result of secretly violating a basic school conduct by trespassing in disguise.

The tall building, she could still remember the insides of it by just gawking at its windows.

As snow continued to fall, she didn't have to read its plat to remember its name.

Its sight was enough to reawaken past scenes.

"I used to stumble upon this school quite often"

In an instant, images of three unique girls floated in mind.

"It was nice to make new interesting friends, bye-bye!"

"Our first meeting was such a coincidence" she recalled. "Just when we were attempting to make new friends..."

Continuing to gaze at the school building, she was rather calm.

"More came to us unexpectedly"

(New Friends? chap reference)

"Ever since that switched day however, we never met again"

Thinking of those girls, of course there were memories of them to come. Especially considering how bizarre they were.

"Wanna switch places for a day?"

"Something so risky, we were so desperate, huh?" rolling her eyes, she mocked her past self for agreeing in such a plan.

The idea of experiencing an ordinary school life for one day convinced her.

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