👑Can I have this Dance?👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

Although the time given for preparations was rather short, the Arisugawa household now bustled of busyness.

It was scheduled for an exceedingly special event to occur in just several hours.

A special ball-like event to be held underneath the palace-like mansion's roof.

Helpers were scattered in each different area of the grand home, arranging properties for the big day.

A day everybody of the mansion has awaited.


"Can you believe it, Miya-chan?"

In the mansion library, Momoko's pink eyes darted over at a nearby window. She gazed at the blue afternoon sky.

"Tomorrow is father's party" she said.

Two young ladies sat across each other in the peaceful area of the mansion.

Their hands holding onto books with similar contents.

"The sky will later then shift colors, representing different times of the day" Momoko continued.

"And without us realizing, it will soon be the day after"

Being reminded that, the girl across, Miyako, remained quiet.

"A week sure is short" Momoko said again. "But even if father gave us more time, I don't think it'd be any different"

"Time flies, right?"

As her older sister continued to speak, Miyako secretly felt rather uncomfortable with this topic.

Trying to contain it, she held onto the book tighter.

"I'm still unsure with it though" Momoko said again. "Those anonymous dance partners just keep on bugging me"

Her words entered Miyako's ears, but only one of them remained to ring.

For some reason, the word 'Dance' sounded most prominent to her.

It brought more discomfort as anxiety began to form.

"I wonder if they know about us?" Momoko gently flipped her book page over.

A particular illustration was revealed as she did. A waltzing couple filled the entire page.

Eyeing it, a defeat sigh was released.

"Don't fret, Momoko-chan" after awhile of being silent, Miyako finally spoke up.

"We will soon discover who they are" she gently assured. "The event is tomorrow, correct?"

"The answer to your wonders isn't faraway"

Hearing that, Momoko looked up and saw her sister's soft smile. It raised her spirits simply.

"You're right" she enthusiastically agreed. "If anything, I should focus on preparing for tomorrow's attraction"

"The slow dance!"

Miyako's forming feeling of anxiety was supressed in pursuit of comforting her pink eyed sister.

Though perhaps comforting her wasn't the best decision.

The gloomy cloud above Momoko's head quickly moved to hers instead, returning the previous anxiety she felt.

Having the word 'Dance' repeated brought a concerned look in her light blue eyes.

It is now her turn to release a defeated sigh.

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