💚Ambiguous | Buttercup💚

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"There are so many shops!"

On the streets of town, pass the extended line of small stores, three female Junior High students passed by.

The girls were rarely seen on strolling on the sidewalk during this hour. It was almost never they were caught carrying their satchels, still dressed in their uniforms.

It was a rare sight, the girls that never walked home before.

None other than the crowned princesses of Hakurei Junior High, a high class academy only the rich could ever attend.

"Walking home feels so great, I wish we could do this more often" The eldest of the three, Momoko said, exhaling relaxingly as she smiled.

"Mm! I agree!" Followed by her blonde younger triplet, Miyako.

Those girls were triplets with strikingly distinct appearances, one couldn't possibly suspect them as such at first sight.

But it didn't matter. What appealed most to them is having to finally indulge in the beauty of walking home from school. A mundane daily routine to others, yet a once in a lifetime experience for them.

Once in a lifetime so it seemed.

"Hey" The voice of one of them called. In an instant, the attention was centered on a particular girl of the group. The girl that doesn't seem so enthusiastic, rather cold and irritable. Her hair of the darkest shade and the shortest length, having to only reach her shoulders. Yet she was just as glistening.

The afternoon sun adding a shine to dark purplish hair, her eyes of a light green color, reminicscent to variscite gemstones.

She plainly asked "Do you think we'll get in trouble for this?"

A pessimistic inquiry that was quite prone to ruining the bright mood.

Then again, certainly it was a tendency of hers.

"Oh, come on, Kaoru. You also agreed to this" Momoko reminded "Besides you said it was refreshing just minutes ago"

It was true, just seconds into starting this rare journey, the shorthaired girl somewhat praised the idea her eldest planned during recess earlier. But now, she happened to switch moods.

"Yeah, but if you think about it again, this won't be approved by mother" She told "The chauffeur's going to tell on us anyway"

A pragmatic viewpoint she ended up expressing, Momoko had to pout in annoyance at her dull remarks.

"We'll probably get reprimanded, so this is probably our first and last time doing this. Let's just savor it until the end"

A conclusion they settled on, and thus their journey home resumed well. Sightseeing, admiring their lively surroundings in person.

It was very soothing to their soul.

But in the midst of their enjoyment, a thought never left Kaoru's mind.

"To think that this is considered one of our best interests..."

Her bright colored eyes, reflecting shops and landmarks she's honestly seen so frequently before. The street they walked on, it was the exact same route they'd take everyday.

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