👑First Lover👑

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"Eh? Miya-chan?"

While Miyako was rushing through the halls, she accidentally bumped into her older triplet, Momoko.


The girl she bumped into had a simple smile upon her face. Yet her pink eyes showed slight confusion.

"What's the matter?" Momoko gently asked.

"You seem...mad?"

Hearing that question, an exclamation point appeared above Miyako's head.

"Mad? How did she know?"

Apparently the blonde girl was so upset, she didn't realize the face she was making. A visible frown.

She rarely gets grumpy so once she does it seems as if a gray thunderous cloud trailed along each step she took.

Rather cute than scary...

Miyako then found herself gawking at her sister.


She noticed how Momoko was not in her usual ponytail. Instead, her long orange hair was let down, reaching her ankles.

It was brushed neatly, and apparently her prominent red bow was removed. For the first time.

"Momoko-chan, are you going somewhere?" Miyako forgot all about her rage due to this.

Momoko's eyes widened a bit before a slight blush appeared.

"Oh, this? No, I just felt like a change" she nervously chuckled.

Though that's what she said, Miyako didn't quite believe her. And as result tilted her head in suspicion.

"Really? Who are these for then?"

One thing she didn't miss was a box of rice cakes in Momoko's hands. She just had to point them out.

"Or perhaps they're from someone?"

Being somewhat cornered by her curious sister, the long haired girl sweat dropped.

"I-I'll tell you and Kaoru about this later, okay?" thus she promised with a nervous grin.

Hearing that, Miyako's eyes sparkled.

"So there is something going on!" her hands excitedly clasped.

"I'm going to inform Kaoru-chan about this"

With that decision made, the blonde walked away, happier than earlier.

Viewing her sister from behind, Momoko sweat dropped once more.

She swore she saw Miyako all moody earlier. How could she shift back to her usual bubbly self so quickly?

"How odd..."

Set aside the previous event, Momoko actually intended to head somewhere...


Swinging the door to a specific room, she was confident the person she referred to was present.

It was his break time after all.

In the room, sat a young lad with earphones plugged into his ears. He sat in a improper posture with the front of his red hair covering his face.


Momoko had to widen her bright colored eyes as she neared the figure.

She took small careful steps and looked at him from every angle.

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