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Note: This is a revised chapter

"He can't come in today, an unexpected fever occurred" 

While Brick was quickly instructed to help with dishes at the kitchen, Butch had to turn in a report regarding their blonde brother's absence.

"I see" it was received by a random senior butler. "Well, we hope for him to recover so-"

"Boomer is sick?"

The butler's sentence was suddenly interrupted by a sweet voice.

In between them stood a blonde girl, appearing out of nowhere.

"Miyako!" another girl came along, keeping up with the interrupter.

She was no other than her older triplet, Kaoru.

"Sorry, she must've disturbed your conversation"

The raven haired lowered her head apologetically at the senior butler, representing her sister.

She intended to do the same with the other interlocuter, but when she noticed it was Butch, this attempt was replaced with rudely looking away.

The ignored young servant just sweat dropped at her acts.

(She's just shy, okay...)

"Is he alone?" Miyako worriedly asked.

"Apparently, yes"

And Butch's response didn't relieve her a single bit.

Bringing a clenched hand near her mouth, the blonde girl began to imagine how ordeal it must be for Boomer to suffer on his own.

Every patient needs a nurse, right?

Thinking about this, her idea is settled.

"Where do you boys' live?" she quickly asked , taking out a notepad to write in.

"The address is ___"

(decide on your own, cause i got nothing ^^)

Writing it down well, she thanked him politely before shifting her attention onto the senior butler.

"Sir, could you please accompany me to this address?"

"V-Very well, miss"

Watching her sister's quick procedures, Kaoru was puzzled.

"You're visiting him?" she asked in disbelief.

Miyako just nodded lightly before asking a conveniently passing by maid for her company also.

"But you haven't even changed" Kaoru referred to Miyako's school uniform and satchel.

Looking over at her raven haired sister, Miyako gave a weak smile.

"He's unwell and alone, I have to visit him now"

"Let us depart!"

With all of that said, Miyako left with the a pair of accompanying servants.

Leaving Kaoru dumbfounded of her sudden decision.

But then she noticed a gaze laid upon her.

Glancing over at the servant she was left alone with, she accidentally locked eyes with her young servant's dark green eyes.

A small gasp escaped her lips as she became flustered.

"W-What're you looking at?" she then looked away with her arms crossed.

"Whatever, I'm leaving" and took her leave.



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