🛍Part 1👑

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Note: This is a revised chapter

The shopping centre had a certain outlet the girls are familiar with.

It was fairly big, with soft features.

The storefront was a pastel colored awning with the store name written above in cardinal font.

From the showcase a few mannequins displayed Lolita themed attires, promoting the store goods.

It was a Lolita themed boutique simply named 'House of Lolita Fashion'

The store choice of Kaoru Arisugawa.

"Shopping is such a hassle..." she muttered in disgust, crossing her arms.

Her dislike towards this activity was quite telling.

"But you haven't even started yet" a male voice intervened.

He was a considerably young servant with dark colored hair and pale skin.

"I've gone through it already" the girl replied.

"And didn't I tell you to shut up?" she then gave him a sharp glare before coldly walking in.

Being given that attitude, the servant knew she was still annoyed by his previous sayings.

Thus he simply followed from behind

The moment anyone walks in the store, the scent of it's famous cotton candy perfume will surround them.

Various doll-like dresses displayed from left to right.

A woman in a pixie haircut and casual clothes was seen engaging in a serious dialogue with a random employee.

But as soon as her eye caught the raven haired girl's sight, her face enlightened.

"Kao-chan! What pleasant surprise!"

She easily left the employee to approach her.

"Good afternoon, miss Yuki" Kaoru properly greeted.

"Wah~ It's been awhile since your last visit" Yuki clasped her hands in delight. "Say where are your sisters-"

Her bright eyes looked around, expecting to view the other two. But instead spotted an attractive black haired boy.

It sparked temporary curiosity, but then a spontaneous conclusion appeared in mind, drawing a giddy smile.

"Oh, I see~" she teased, covering her mouth with a hand.

Noticing her uncontainable giggles, Kaoru was clueless.

"See what?"

Yuki revealed an eye smile as she lowered her hand.

"Going out with your fiancé, are you?"


Such an unexpected and absurd assumption rang Kaoru's ears greatly as her face turned uncontrollably red.


"B-But miss Yuki, I'm still 14!" she alarmingly informed.

"Now, now, Kaoru-chan" Yuki grinned.

"Early engagement isn't something to be ashamed of~"

"We're not engaged!"

The raven haired couldn't understand why Yuki was so hard headed.

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