👑Little Time👑

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The sound of garbage bags dumped into the outdoor garbage bin.

A pair of ruby red eyes laid on the black colored bags, containing the amount of trash.

As he gawked at such worthless items,  a certain conversation began to ring in his ears.




"Man, I'm so broke"

At the end of a public senior high corridor, was placed a wide window. That certain area was set foot by a small number of male students.

One of them groaned with his arms rested on the window pane, observing the clear sky. While the rest, either squat on the floor or leaned on the wall beside it.

"I think it's about time you get a job" One with a shaved head commented on his friend's previous complaint.

"You think? What job should I apply for?"

The particular student complaining over money, let us refer to him as Ryo.

Now you might have heard his name before. He has been mentioned by Hayato in previous chapters.

For he is indeed one of the red boy's closest friends.

Thus it was no question why Hayato was also present, squatting on the floor whilst drinking milk.

"A garbage man" The shaved head grinned teasingly.

"The hell would I do that?!" Ryo half shouted.

Hayato on the floor just listened to his friends' dialogue and chose to chime in.

"Are you dumb? Just start from the basics of a student part time" He apathetically told. "Like a convenience store employee"

His almost empty milk box made grumbling sounds as he took another sip.

"You're still gonna do some garbage work though. Everywhere you go, it follows"

With that easily reminded, he continued to sip on the empty beverage container.


Until he realized eyes glued onto him.

"What're you lookin at?" He grumpily asked his two friends that were gawking at him.

The shaved head boy exhaled as a proud smile formed.

"To think that you've already been working since Junior High" He said. "Though  it's kinda hard to believe such diligence, I salute you"

Hearing that, Hayato just blinked twice before mumbling a slightly bashful thanks.

"You're still working for that mansion, Horiuchi?" Ryo asked. "Uh, yeah?"

"Really? Ya don't get bored?"

The red eyed boy has finished his drinking and crumpled up the box of milk in his hand.

"Nope" He lightly said. "It pays well, and I'm comfortable already"

Such a dull answer didn't prevent his friends' from teasing. Especially the shaved head guy. A snort came from him before saying

"You sure it's not cause a pretty lady lives there?"

"Do I look like that kind of person to you?!"

A quite visible blush was left on Hayato's face.

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