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"Hah? A delay?"

A woman glanced at a nearby speaker that has recently gave a disappointing announcement.

"What a waste" she sighed, altering her sitting position by crossing her legs.

"We went here early just to wait longer"

Beside her sat a teenage boy. The dark blue hoodie worn matched his eyes.

"We don't mind waiting" he told. "Right, Hayato?"

As he spoke, his pupils moved to his right, expecting a response from the person sitting next to him.

"Hngh..." the person inaudibly grumbled.

He slouched on his seat, resting his chin on a hand, staring at the empty railway ahead of him.

His fiery red eyes matched the grumpy face plastered across his face.

The woman poked her head out, glancing at the grumpy teen.

"Fufu~" and let out a giggle.

Hearing that, the grumpy red boy reciprocated her glance.


"You never changed, Hayato" the woman kept her smile. "Ever since little, you always hated long distance train trips"

"Because then you have to wait like now"

Being reminded that, the grumpy expression melted off Hayato's face.

Instead he gave a slight surprised expression before looking away shyly.

"Come to think of it, mom's right" the blue eyed boy beside him, his younger brother Itsuki chimed in.

"Even your pose never changed" he pointed out Hayato's slouching position.

"Oh, shut up..." Hayato growled underneath his breath.

Viewing her sons interact, the woman's sweet smile widened.

At the town train station where the boys awaited for their departure, things were going quite well until an unexpected delay occurred.

Even so, it didn't seem to bother.

(It's not like it's gonna cancel the plan of moving out or anything...)

The woman, their mother, Hina, was still as excited for their new life.

Although things were changing, leaving the town she lived so long in, having her little boys grow.

And although they were no longer little boys.

She continued to smile at her two sons.

The grumpy red eyed boy and his innocent looking blue eyed brother and their small bickering.

"Somethings never change~"

It wasn't exactly difficult to imagine they still are.

But those weren't her only boys.

Moving her eyes, she glanced to her right.

Another teenaged boy stood beside her.

There were only three seats available and were all occupied by her and her two sons.

Thus one person of their group had to stand.

And that was apparently her other son.

He had the most resemblance to her. He inherited her black hair and pale skin.

(Technically her gender bend (?) )


Hina's attention shifted onto the boy standing beside her.

At Your Service {The Princess and The Butler}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن