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Suggestion: Start the music when I tell you

"And that concludes our last session today"

A certain memory replayed of a man in a neat vest clasping his hands enthusiastically.

"The exams are tomorrow, I wish you the best of luck"

Hours flew by like seconds as pages of calendars have been flipped and eventually replaced.

It has officially been 4 years since a particular private tutor came by to give his final teachings.

In terms of preparing for the college entrance exams, the little girls of the Arisugawa family have been tutored since their second year of senior high.

Though they aren't so little now, for senior high school they have successfully graduated.

All the effort they have put in resulted well as two of them were accepted into a prestigious university.

Except for one.

Although the three of them has agreed on their parents' suggestion in attending the same university, one of them was apparently more gifted than the rest.

Whilst fighting to achieve a spot in the targeted university, she was also told to apply for scholarships abroad.

And thus she did, and received lots of letters of acceptance in the end.

"Incredible, Momoko-chan! So have you decided which?"

"Mm! I already made my mind"

England is where she resorted. All the way from her home country she flew to study business.

A particular window of the mansion would show the insides of certain rooms.

Nothing much has changed around the home other than the insides of a once owned room to be empty.

The peach colored curtains would blow gently to show nothing but possessions she left behind.

Things have become rather lonely without her.

The eldest of the Arisugawa family.


A purple octopus plushie was seen resting on a white king sized bed. Across it was a vanity and table where a calendar sat.

2013 wrote prominently on it.

Not so far away, a young woman was seen sitting on her chair, calmly writing on a piece of paper. A letter so it seems.

A peaceful smile upon her face as she moved the pen in her hand.

"I'd very much be delighted to meet you again after such a long time" she wrote. "Are you certain it wouldn't be troubling for you to come all the way?"

Her soothing baby blue eyes never changed since little and same goes for her light blonde hair.

"If by chance you insist, I suggest at the pedestrian bridge at street S"

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