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That night, the town streets were bustling.

Stores filled with guests, purchasing gifts for their loved ones. Families were seen admiring the mesmerizing annual atmosphere, the perfect combination of lights and snow.

On a sidewalk, rolled wheels of a luggage bag. A luggage tag in shape of a cherry blossom flower attached to it.

The bag pulled by a young woman of rare pink eyes. The eyes that took awhile to observe her surroundings.

Although it has been awhile since the soles of her ankle boots set foot on her hometown, she still felt fascinated by her viewings.

"It's been awhile since I went home" she thought, smiling in relief. "It's great to be back"

The cold breeze brushed against her skin, she felt home at last.

"This is my first time back after I left for abroad 3 years ago"

That night, the eldest of the Arisugawa family decided to come back in secrecy.

On the sidewalk where she planned to walk home independently, back to the wealthy neighbourhood she grew up in.

All the memories she imagined to recall later once she set foot on the mansion's entrance staircase.

"Hehe, the girls will sure be surprised to see me" joyfully smiling, the breath she exhaled was seen in a form of smoke.

But then an image of her parents came in mind, reducing her smile slightly.

Even until she reached college, their busy state never seemed to change.

The excitement in her eyes slowly faded along with her smile that no longer seemed giddy.

"I wonder if they'll be present later..."

A natural question came up. Will they be there to welcome her?

But then again, returning home to discover her parents' location to be at the company headquarters isn't something new either.

"I think it'll be like how it always is"

Suddenly a slight vibration was felt from the pocket of her coat.

Reaching her hand inside to retrieve a mobile phone, she noticed a notification from her college roommate back in England.

✉️"Have you arrived safely? When college starts again, tell me all about your holiday. I have great stories to tell myself!" ✉️

Thus the message said.

Viewing it, her previous smile returned.

Postponing her reply, she tucked her personal device back into her pocket.

Just by viewing that message was enough to chase her previous disappointment away.

It reminded her of how well things have been going. How she now has friends from studying abroad.

Set aside the zero improvement her distant relationship with her parents have been, she could still feel happy.

"It's alright if they wouldn't be home later" she thought. "It's nice to know our family's company is still going strong"

Around her, people were seen with each other's company. Even just by witnessing, she could feel the warmth of those families and friends.

It made her smile once more.

"I can't wait to see my sisters~" she internally said, imagining the atmosphere of her home.

The big halls and rooms, the servants.

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